park (Aidan)

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Warning: sad


Y/n POV:

This week im full off test in school i dont have time for Aidan, my boyfriend, yeah the famous Aidan Gallagher. I really miss him this days but im not focused on school i really just wanna go  in my favourite collage. Aidan is already in this collage so yeah he understand how nervous I'm but sometimes its getting in his nerve. I know the feeling i was also like that when he was going through this it was so awful for me. 

Tomorrow im giving 3 deferent things. maths biology and history. I hate all of them im not good at them anyways i have to read them anyways.  

I was  now studying more like 3 hours and i feel like i dont remember anything, i was sure i need a break from this so i said why not call Aidan. I grap my phone and jump on me bed, searching for  Aidan number, found it. I call him, i wanted till he answer but he never did. I was confused he always answer the phone. Anyways i brush it off and got back to school work. 

Eventually i stop studying but i felt great, im sure i had learned werry good the history but the other to. Anyways i stand up and start to clean up the books the papers and all this shit, potting it in my back. 

I go to my phone to see if Aidan had called me back or said me a message. But he didn't. Anyway i wanted to get some fresh air so i said why not go out and have some and so did i.

I pot on me shoes and a jacket and take some money and my phone of course. I said to my parents that i was done studying and im going for fresh air they both agreep.

I start to walk down the hallway, i was going to a near park. The way was normal and nothing special happen, just me walking with headphones on and other people minding there business.

When i got to the park i show a lot people there like it was party or something. I see an old women so i said why not go to ask her what is going on here.

Y/n: hey I'm sorry ma'am what is happening here? i ask sweetly.

W(woman): hey oh its like a party for people that care about the planet. she said and it was enough to understand. 

Y/n: thanks. i said 

I thought to myself that Aidan maybe is here because he of course cares for the planet like i do and maybe that why he didn't answer the phone. So i start to walk more near the stage, i immediately recognised Aidan he was there  but ho was this blond girl with him? I have never seen her, well she probably is just a friend off his. So i just stand there with the other people hearing what they where saying. I was sure Aidan didn't see me, hahahaha. 

The girl start to talk to Aidan and he did to they where laughing now, well i got a bit jealous but didn't think much about it, but then is when i show it, the girl lean in and kissed him, i couldn't watch this so i just start to walk away.

Tears where raining down me checks, i was walking fast just wanting to get out off there. 

I couldn't go home right now, i know that when my parents see me the will start to ask question and i didn't want that. So i just sat down on some steps crying me eyes out.

?: hey girl are you okay? i heard a voice. I look up and she a beautiful women looking down at me with some tissues in her hand.

?: here. she said giving me the tissues i gently take them and start to wash my tears away.

She sat down next to me, and looked at the sky.

?: I'm Titsiana. he said now looking at me.

Y/n: Im Y/n. i said letting out a deep breath. We had an awkward silence for some time. 

T: Wanna talk about it? he ask me looking at me. I just shake me hand no. I really didn't was ready to talk about it.

T: is it for a boy isn't? he ask taking out a cigarette.

Y/n: how do you know? i ask with me voise shacking.

T: well lets just say i can feel it. he said making me a little weird.

T: you want some? he ask handling me the cigarette. 

I take in gently and take a some.

T: Look if he doesn't like dont care, he lose. she said i schook me head no.

Y/n: he cheated. i said letting some more tears fall and taking a sip off the cigarette.

T: wow that hurts... shit... he said looking down now. I just nod letting some more tears fall and giving her the cigarette.

T: you sure he did? he ask me looking now at the sky again.

Y/n: i show a girl kissing him. i said looking down now.

T: And what did he do? He ask making me look at her confused.

Y/n: i don't know i run off. i said looking down again.

T: So how do you know he cheated? She ask making me feel a little stupid. I dint answer just keep looking down.

T: See... i know that what you show hurtled you but never leave before hearing an explanation and then you can thing what you will do leave or trust him again. he said kinda making sense.

I look at her and she looks at me i nod at her. 

A: Y/n? i heard a soft voice we both look at the boy standing in front off us. and yeah it was Aidan.

T: well i live you two now see ya around Y/n. she said getting up.

Y/n: Wait- i said he turned around and looked at me.

Y/n: thank you.   i said and smile she smile back at me and start to walk away.

A: Y/n where you crying? he asked me sitting next to me. grapping me hands i just pull away from his touch.

Y/n: ho w-was that girl A-Aidan? i ask tottaly crying again.

A: omg! Y/n you where there, im so so so sorry you had to see that, please forgive me it wasent me fault.... he just kiss me out off no where... im so sorry. i pull away imdiatly... please i dont even know her i met her there today.... please..... Y/n. I was looking down at this point and i  could hear him crying. 

A: please... please.... Y/n.... he said i look up at him.

Y/n: Its okay Aidan i forgive you. i said giving him a smile. 

He just take me face in hes hand gently rubing me tears away.

He lean in and kissed me i kiss back. It start to rain a bit. Aidan pulled me closed dipping the kiss.

After some time he pull away and touch our forehead together.

A: I love you Y/n. he said making me so happy. It start raining and we where wet now.

Y/n: I love you Aidan. i said he pull me in for an other lovely kiss. We pull away smiling at each other.

Y/n: wanna dance in the rain? i ask getting up taking his hand  not even letting him answer me question.

A: oh god. he said with a giggle.

We start dancing, running, kissing, laughing in the rain.


idk why but this reminds me off the song 4th off july.

hope you like it.

And yes i used me name. why not?

words: 1.261



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