body slam (five)

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Warning: smut


Y/n POV:

We are where at the living room playing truth or dare, it was Diego time and he chose five.

D: Truth or dare five? he ask smirking

f: dare. he said also smirking okay they are planning something.

D: i dare you to say something dirty to Y/n ears. he said oh no come on.

F: okay he said smirking leaning down at me.

F: i will body slam you. he said to me with a husky sexy tone. I was turn on be this and said why not flit back.

Y/n: I dare you to do it. i said leaning down at in his hair with the most sexy voice i could give. I see him smile.

Five grap me hand and teleport us to his room but before we where there i heard Diego yell ''get it five'' but i could thing about it much because five kisses me with tongue, i just kiss back.

Five start to take off my clothes and so do i to him.

We where naked, me pinned in the wall be him, he was kissing me neck probably living hickeys. Not long after i feel him massaging me clit making me let out a soft low moan, he looks up at me asking for permission, i nod, he start be potting 2 fingers n me going slow making sure i was wet enough for him. 

F: You sure wanna do it? he said making me feel save and special, i smile slyly.

Y/n: yes I'm five. i  said giving him kiss he kiss back i felt him going inside me i let out a moan in the kiss letting five go in with his tongue exploring me mouth also letting me adjust to his huge size. 

After some time five started moving making me feel so good. We where still kissing each other till five pull away. 

F:okay, you ready? He ask me one last time. i nod just waiting him to do it already.

F:use words princess? he said sweetly at me.

Y/n: yes five do it already. he smile at me commented.

He take me from the wall that he had me pinned all this time and slam me back at it with a little power, i gasp feeling him go deeper in me, he start trusting in me, making me feel so damn god feeling him hitting spots that no body else have hit ever. I was starting to being a moaning mess. Five was also groaning a bit making me feel that it was good for him to.

I was starting to go on my orgasm making me tug on his hair hearing a low groan from him making me understand it was going him on the end. I wrap me legs around him making him go more deeper and let him more movements to do, he let out a low moan from my suddnes movements.

F: you there yet? he said petting moans.

Y/n: yes omg! i said with a low moan.

F: me to go he said feeling me up with a loud moan making me feel so god, i let me orgasm get over me tugging me nails in his back letting out a really loud long moan.

 Five ma take me in his bed still in his arm and into me, laying me down, with him on top, not poling out i dont thing he wanted to but i didn't mind i loved that feeling.


I think somebody else did this idea 

to but i dont remember the name to tag them.

words: 609

see ya!!!


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