Criminal (Five) part.2

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So this is a part 2 i have so many ideas for this imagine.

i try to make this part smaller. The First 1 was really really big!

so this is like s3 and s3 isn't out now so is from me mind oll of this... and lets say that the box that we have seen in spoilers is not in hear. You see way!


Five POV:

We return back and there was or dad and the Sparrow academy. We started talking and we left out that we are gonna spend the night there.

A: Can i ask you something?

S/A/1(sparrow academy number 1): Yes but make it quick.!? he said with attitude. The sparrow academy didn't like the fact that they come back and was gonna stay the night there.

A:ohh, ahhh why are you guys just 6 where is number 7? he ask a didn't really understand the question but also didn't care.

S/A/3: ohhh she is said that he is going some where. Grace is number 7 back? 

G: No she isn't. grace said relax, like always

R(Sir.Reginal):What to you mean she isn't back yet?!

G:I- before she could say something the door open and we all turn around to she ho it was. We show to figures come inside and....

There it was the girl with the White dress again and Lila a was socket i thought that they come for us to kill me and me family. i stand up and me family did it too. We are look confused at them.

Y/n POV:

Me and Lila come back to where we belong and i take Lila and go to the sparrow academy.

R: Number 7 where were you? and ho is that? you know i don't want other people to my house.! he said to me.

Y/n: Hi dad i was with me friend Lila all this time because her mom died and he has no where to go so i wonder if she can stay here tonight in me room with me? i said making fake poppy eyes.

R: If its just for one night. okay then. But don't you dear start to searching around the house! he said point his finger at Lila.

Y/n: Yeah yeah, he wont and also he have powers like us. i said at all off them and look at me socket of coure not the Umbrella Academy they already know it.

R: hmmm interesting. What powers? he said coming closer to us.

Y/n: She can copy powers, but one power be the time. i said because Lila was more fucosed to send death stars to Diego and Five.

R: also yours number 7? he said i didn't answer and then is when Lila speek for me.

L: No...... I can copy everyone power in this room expect Vanyas but not her. he said now look at Reginal.

R: Hmmmm. You know something we are gonna go inside your mind look into your memories and see. 

Y/n and Lila look at each other and nod...

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