Wrong part.5 (five)

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Y/n POV:

I wake up in a hospital, my stomach was hurting me, i look around and see Vanya he looked happy but worried he was holding me hand and looking down, i squid her hand t tell her im awake.

V: omg Y/n im so clap you are awake! Vanya said and  hug mem

Y/n: Im okay Vanya! What happen why im on the hospital? I said sitting up Vanya looked down sad.

Y/n: Vanya what happening? its all good? does it have any thing going on with my stomach pai- I got interrupt from Allison coming in.

A: Omg! im so happy you are awake! Allison said hugging me.

Y/n: What's happening? i ask and Allison look down like Vanya did!

Y/n: Come on tell me you have to! i said they look at each other then at me.

V: You need to be brave Y/n! Vanya said sitting down on the chair nest to me. i nodded my head as yes to make them keep going.

A: Y/n you are pregnant... Allison say slowly. 

I can't be pregnant im to young! i cant be like that! i don't even have a father for the child. i start cry slowly.

A: hey relax its gonna be okay... we will be here for you! Allison says hugging me.

*time skip when your giving birth*

It was the day i will go to the doctor to see if the kind is girl or boy. Allison and Vanya was here for me every time, i live in my room but i  never come out goes Five dont know im out and he does not know about the baby.

A: Come on Y/n. he isn't here.

Y/n: thanks allison i said giving her a smile.

We got in the car and drive to the doctor me Vanya and Allison we are the group they re the people that care about me. we got out off the doctor he said its gonna be a boy im so so happy! We got in the car and start drive to the Academy.

A: Y/n where are you gonna tell five about the baby? allison said

Y/n: Never.

V: and how are you gonna do it alone? that kinda hurt me.

Y/n: im not alone i have you guys you're gonna help me right? i said with a smile.

They both laugh and nodded her heads yes.

Suddenly my stomach start to hurt really bad and i feel water go down me legs.

Y/n: Omg!! omg!! Omg!! i said in sook

A: are you okay?

Y/n: no the water broke!!! i yell from the pain.

A: what do you mean- he got interrupt by Vanya.

V: Allison drive to the hospital he is giving birth! Vanya said yelling at Allison that now start  to drive to the hospital really fast.

The pain was over my and my vision start to get blurry.

Allison POV:

We we're waiting for the doctor to come to say us the news.

V: Allison do you thing he is gonna make it? he said almost crying.

A: yes Vanya relax he is gonna be okay. i said hugging her.

V: he is to young. Vanya said letting a tear fall down.

A: i know. i said giving her a kiss on the forehead.

D:(doctor) hey! a doctor come up to us.

A/V: hey is everything okay?

D:*sight* im sorry she didn't make it.... we start to tear up both off us now we know he was to young.

D:But the boy make it.  we look up to the doctor he smile at us. we give him a small smile back still crying.

D: follow me. We follow him to the room that Y/n was he was laying there with blood every where he wasent breathing he was dead. We slowly give her the last hug and the doctors pot a White towel all over her body and her head. me and Vanya watched her crying when the doctors take her away.

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