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What would they do if u are on your period.

Aidan: 🩰
• Cuddle you
• Watch movies with you
• Going to buy you tampons
• Make you your favorite food
• Giving you all the snacks he can
• Make a cute bath for you and the he was your hair
• bot his hand on your tummy when u are having cramps.

Five: 🪓
• Ask Allison what " period " is
• He goes and buys you a lot off tampons and snack and drinks
• Like Aidan he would cuddle you and watch movies with you
• He would do whatever you want
• He would get mad if he found out that u using him like to calm down your cramps but then immediately relax and lay on your tummy
• He would be mad because you can do sex.
• He would stay with u all day

Me first preference ever! I hope you like it!
Tell me some ideas pls!


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