Tik Tok (Five)

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Hi :)


Five POV:

 I was on me room and i was scrolling in tik tok, I didn't know what to do so i just start with watching them. I then so a tik tok of Y/n me ex girlfriend and oh god she was so beautiful and damn hot! In the tik tok video she was on the beach with some friends i don't know ho the were, she was dancing and god she boobs was so big and the were jumping up and down from the dance she was doing. That make me horny. I want so bad to touch her boobs. Wie don't really brake up... she was bad at me because i was so in the apocalypce that i didn't spen time with her that make her so sad and angry at me, me the asshole didn't understand that, so one day she was training to sped time with me and i was not in the mood for anything and i said the dammest thing i ever have say. i said that i didn't need her that she is annoying and that the world would be better with out her, i remember that so clear and so much i can never forget that. 

I gonna go to her i am gonna teleport to her right now. I don't care for anything i just wanna she her and explain to her what is going on and of course to say sorry.

When i teleport to her i see something that surprise me and olso make me more horny...

Y/n POV: 

I was cleaning my room and i found a really sexy photo off Five my ex boyfriend that makes me horny and i start felling me underwear get wet. So i take me hair brose and start to pleasure me self. I start to moan and i was moan loudly cause i was alone home and got my brose make me fell so good. 

I close me eyes in pleasure and i fell someone had on me and the he started pushing the brose more faster and got more deeper in me. I let out a loud moan and open me eyes to meet Five eyes. She was smirking at me. I totally was mad on him but i can reach now the pleasure was over me.

F: Hi darling! Need some help with that? he was whispering in me ear in a sexy way. With that i understand that he was horny.

Y/n: Five... i say slowly

F: mhm? You like that princess? Wow did that make you do that? he point in the photo of him. i nod slowly looking at him up and down.

F: I see how it is! Now com for me princess!

When he said that i was angry but not at him at myself because now i was hes little toy. I didn't com because i did not want to be hes little toy. Five got confused at this at poll the brose out off me. 

F: Oh you are gonna be like that at me, i am gonna fuck you until you can't fell your legs. He says with a smirk and serious look at his face.

I was worried for what he is gonna do with me, i know very god how see can punish me and olso i wanted me legs for the night pool party with me friends that i was waiting so much. I was about to say something bu i stop when ne pull me to the wall and start kissing me so damn much. When he poll away from the kiss he unlock his short and pull them down with his poxers and his huge dick spring up. He look at me and pinned me agains the wall again but this time tighter he take me legs and put them on his hips. He look at me in the eyes making sore i was wanting that to, i look at him and kiss him and i can fell hes smirk agains me lips and i giggle a lilltle at this.

He thrust his dick in me with a very huge spend i moan so loud with every thust he was giving to me and i have already com one time.

He was pointing into me more than 3 hours and i cummed more than 8 time and he 6. He then change hes position and he was hitting me g-spot that make me cum one more time and i start felling me orgasm cramming i let it out with out thinking anything. he was in this position 2 hours i thinks make me com 6 time and him 4. she stop pointing into me and put his dick out off me  i then thought he was done with me but he wassed.


Hey guys that is big tell me if you want a part 2!

I am sorry for the wrong spelling words i try me best !

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