first shy time (five)

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hey just so you know your gonna be a little shy in this ( and stupid )!

Warning SMUT


Y/n POV:

Five was holding me in his arms grapping me ass and squash it a little, he teleport as to hes room and gently bot me down  on the bed with him on top off me still kissing me. Five slolwy start to go down kissing me neck searching for me g-spoot. When he founf it he start tosuck there making sure to let  a hickey. He slowly start to remove me t shirt but i stop him. 

F: what wrong? he said looking my in the eyes.

Y/n: Ohh its me first time... i said slowly looking down. 

F: hey its okay? i can stop if you want. he said making me look at him.

Y/n: NO no no no. i said looking at him.

F: then? what do you want princess? i wanna here you.... he said in me ear.

Y/n: I want you to take it Fiveyy... i said looking down again. I hear him giggle and take my shirt off. 

He look at me body a little then try to take my bra  off, i arch my back to help him. After it was gone he start to suck on them, my hands go to his hair polling them a little. H got slower down to where my underwhere was he look up at my for permission and i nodded yes, he smiled and start to take them off. He look at my possy and smirk he start to lower him self to my possy i stop him.

F: what wrong? you change mind he said  a little sad.

Y/n: no no no i would never change my mind, i just can we do it without this part..... i said slolwy 

F: ohh no baby... You know its gonna hurt more if i just pot in you... i dont wanna hurt you that much.... so please let me do it. he said giving my kisses on the neck. i sight and noded my head yes.

Five start to link me clit with his tongue and it feels good, he start to eat my out gently i enjoy it and start to pull on his hair, i could feel him smile on my. Out off nowhere he pot hes middle finger in my... i flits and pool on his hair to make him stop. He stops right in time and pull out.

F: what wrong? did i hurt you? he said coming up to my face.

Y/n: no but- i stop a little and Five nod his head to make me speak.

Y/n: i had never something in there and it hurts. i said looking down. he smirk at my.

F: Awwwwwwww so is all off your first time with me !!!! *smirks more* You know baby its gonna hurt a little but then it gonna feel so good i promise. he siad giving my a kiss. i smile back and nod.

Five start to eat my out again and i feel him ender hes middle finger in slowly i gasp and take a deep breath, Five stop eating me out and look at me.

f: dont worry princees it s gonna be okay just a little time. he said caring. 

When sometime bas by i start to feel verry good and a late out a small moan five got it and start to move his finger thrusing in my. I feel so good but then i feel something on my stomach.

Y/n: Five pull out i need to pee. i said looking at him he just laugh at my.

F: That called orgasm baby and when you feel it get big then let it out. some minutes later i feel it getting big and let it out feeling so good. Five smile and come up to my and start to kissme i kiss him back start to take his shirt off when it was off i tugged on hes shorts to make him polling them down he did and he also did the same with hes poxers. He kiss me and start to pot his dick in but before.

F:If you wanna stop just tell me ! he said and i nodd yes he smile and give me a small kiss.

Five start to got inside my it hurts he stop a little nit bing all inside me. The pain was to much, i grap him for hes back pullinng him to me to hug me, but then i realixe when i did it hes dick come foul in my and i close my eyes from the pain, Five giggle a little at me. kissing my neck some minutes later i feel the plesure again. and let him know letting oit a smal moan he smile giving me a kiss on the lips and start moving. 

Five/Aidan imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now