needy (five)

509 11 3

warning smut!


Y/n POV:

Five was so needy the last 3 hours, he was beginning me to touch him.

F:please please Y/n!!

F:please touch... please.... pretty please..

F:please i do whatever you want....

F:please im begging you!! 

He was so desperate for me to touch him, i was on my period and didn't wanna do anything but just laying on the bed cuddling. Five move so i could feel hid boner on my clit it make me uncomfortable, five was still begging me to touch him and moving around making me feel how hard he was. I sight moving around to get on his lap five sights getting now what he wanted for so long. 

I attack my lips on his making him flash and relax a bit down. I let go off lips and before he could say anything i start to kiss his neck sucking on his sweet pot that i know where it was, he let out some little moans and grap me waist. I take off his shirt and kissing down hes body till hes vagina i start to take off his pants werry slow teasing him, he could get it anymore so he bolted me off him take his pants out throw them to the floor and lay down again potting me on his lap again. I smirk and start to go up and down on him teasing him more he let out some moans. i got off his lap and start to touch him still with the boxers, he let out a loud gasp.

F: please do it... it hurts... please... he said almost crying.

I got off his boxers letting his saft spring up hitting his stomach, oh god he was so hard. I start to jerk him off with me hands, i think he muddle a ''thank you'' with some gasp and moans in between. Five cum not even 2 minutes off jerking him off, i was about to stop but he wanted more.

F: please please Y/n!!! please please more!!! he said breathing heavy. he was so desperate for me to touch him.

I just sight a little and potting it in my mouth sucking him now off. he was doing like crazy now.

F: YES!!!! YESS!!!!!

F: DONT STOP!!!!!! 

Five pot his hand on my head forcing me to go more down on him i let him do it because i could feel him twitching in my mouth. He cummed with a loud moan.

Y/n: You still want more? i said smirking up on him. Five shout his head.

Y/n: use words handsome boy. i said touching hes bald robbing the slowly.

F: N-no. he said he was surprised for me action.

Y/n: Too bad..your gonna get it.. i said going down getting him full in my mouth not letting him  say anything first. 

He was gasping and moaning much much. I start to rude his ball with me hand still with him in my mouth he gasp even more, he had his mouth open he but nothing was going out. I know i was getting into him. five close hes eyes and i start to see ears falling down also feeling him twitching in my mouth, so i start to such him more harder and moaning his name sending vibrators over his body. He cum in me mouth with a loud moan off my name, I let go off him swallowing his cum and kiss him in the lips making him taste hes self.

Y/n: wanna have another round? i ask innocently like i didn't know what i was doing to him.

F: NOo n-no m-more p-please... he said still trying to catch his breath.

I smile getting up to get him a new pear off boxers dressing him up carefully because he was extra sensitive now. I lay down next to him making him hug me because now it was me turn to get what i wanted!!   

✨ Cuddles ✨


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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

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