tired (Aidan)

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Warning: fluff but a little spicy.


Y/n POV:

Me and Aidan just come back home from a day off filming the umbrella academy, we did or things and now we where laying in bed doing work on its other phones.

 I could feel Aidan starting at me making a little awkward and i know that he wanted something but i was to tired to do anything just wanted to go for sleep.

Y/n: okay im done. i said locking me phone screen looking at Aidan that was still starting at me.

A: me to. he said with a big smile. 

We looked eyes and Aidan slowly learned down at me. He kissed me i of course kissed back. We start to make out and he slowly start to croal on top off me. I was so tired on the moment but i dint wanna ruin it so i just keep kissing him. I heard him on zipping his pants, making me feel so awkward but i really didn't wanna do it right now.

Y/n: Aidan? i said almost whispering but he heard me.

A: yes baby? he said sweetly.

Y/n: im sorry im just not in the mood for that, im to tired. i said he smile at me giving me a kiss on the forehead and leaning next to me cuddling me.

A: dont worry bunny, is okay i understand you and i respect you, you dont have to say sorry. its totally fine. he said making me happy.

A: just one question? he said making me a little nervous.

Y/n: yeah? 

Aidan: why didn't you tell me from the first moment. 

Y/n: I- i- i- i just wasn't sure how to tell you. i said scoffing a little.

A: hey is okay, just make me a promise. 

Y/n: mhm? i said wanting to know what it is.

A: you will Ever say to me if you wanna or not. i dont want you to do things you don't want to. Promise? he ask looking me in the eyes, he is so adorable and respecting.

Y/n: I promise!! i said taking out me pinky fingers to lock it with his. he smile at my finger and imidiatly locked them together.

A: good night princess. 

Y/n: good night Aidy, i said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

we cuddle all night with or pinky finger locked.


One with Aidan!

thanks for 4.2k reads!



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