Father (Five)

535 7 5

Warning: FLUFF with SMUT



I just got out off the bathroom after a day in school it was stressed but i was relaxed after the shower. Suddenly me father come in the bathroom and look at while starting to pee, i just sights and look at the mirror.

Father: Your soup was gross Y/n! he said i didn't answer.

Father: you hear me you shitty.? he sad grapping me hands making me look at him.

Father: Go make something better right now! he said grapping tight my waist.

Y/n: okay okay I'm sorry i go. i said making him letting me go from his grip.

Father: Then go right now! he said yelling at me. I run to the kitchen just with a towel and start to cock another soup.

*time skip to when the soup is ready*

I was ready and i pot it the table and walk to my father bedroom to tell him.

Y/n: Father is ready. i said looking at him, he was laying on the bed watching TV.

Father: Good girl lets see what you did now. he said walking out the room.

I close the TV and walk to me room and start to get dressed with something comfy. When i was done changing my dad come in my room running.

Father: you piss off shit your nothing to use for. he said slapping me really hard that i fell in the bed. 

Father: You are nothing!!! you cant even cock.!! he said pointing his finger at me. He grap me hand and pull up to him.

Father: now listen here you slut!- that when i kick him in the dick he yell in pain. i just walk up and take me bag with all the things i needed and run down stars to the door i walk out no i run out and i was happy i did it. I run to me boyfriend house. i clock on the door and Allison open to me and let me in.

A: hey Y/n? you good? he said lovely as always.

Y/n: hey! Yes I'm good. is Five here? i said just wanting to go hug him.

A: yes he is up stairs! he said going to the kitchen, It wasent me first time here so i know the way.

Y/n: thanks! i said going up the stairs to five room. I come in and show him in the bed with another girl!

------ no way i can't do that is a request from @_Nickys_girlie_ so i cant do it but i really wanna anyways! back to the story!--------

Y/n: thanks! i said going up the stairs to five room. I come in and show him reading a book sitting in the desk. i walk in slowly.

Y/n: five... i said slowly. he look up from hes book surprised.

F: omg hey Y/n! you okay? he said coming up to me giving me kiss on the lips and place his hands on my check. 

F: you okay? are you sick? he said noticing me face is red and its hot.

Y/n: no no five I'm  not sick. i said letting out a giggle.

F: then what happen? he said taking me hand going us to hes bed. i look down not talking.

F: Y/n? you know you can say anything to me. he said making me look up at him.

Y/n: my father... i said five hug me tight he know me relationship with me father. 

F: its okay its okay bunny. he said rubbing me back trying to relax me goes i was crying right now.

Some moment past and i stop crying. i look up at me and smile at me, i smile back and lean in slowly with him to kiss each other. The kiss was so soft it slowly started to get more like a make out. Five slide his hands down me shirt starting to explore me body, with out even know it me bra was out. Five let go off the kiss and smile at me throwing me bra on the floor. 

Y/n: sneaky boy! i say smiling he let out a giggle and we both go back to the make out. After some time i start to take off five t-shirt letting go from the kiss i look at his body at his tiny apps exploring them with my finger. 

F: like what you see my lady? he said smiling with teeth, i nod slowly going back to the make out. Five stand up with me in his arms and start to walk up to his door. He push me in the door i gasp a little, Five lock the door and start to walk back on the bed letting me down and him on top not breaking the kiss. Five start to go down  my neck living hickeys he was so gently he never was like this the other times we had sex he always like to be rough. 

We where both naked he was on top off me ready to go in me, he look up ta me one last time to make sure i nodded yes. he got in slowly when he was all in he lean down to kiss me waiting for me to adjust he wasent moving. He start to go slowly bad a little hard he was doing to so good it felled amazing. He stop kissing me to take some breaths and gently place his forehead on mine looking at me eyes letting out some groans with me. I start to play with his hairs he smile and let out a moan i know he like it he always like it when i play with hes hair. Five start to be a little harder and start to hit me g-spot i let out a loud moan he smirk a little knowing now that he found me g-spot.

F: I love you Y/n... he said slowly in my ear we handed told each other that till now. I let go off his hair grapping his face gently making him look at me. 

Y/n: I love you to Five. i said he smile with teeth and i smile back and start to kiss him he kiss back. I start to feel the knot in my stomach and also start to fell five getting sloppy that  mean he is also there. I pull away from the kiss.

Y/n: I'm gonna cum Five. i said with moans arching me back at him.

F: Me to love. he said with groans.

F: Can i- in you? he said with moans.

Y/n: Yes Five you can. i said giving him a last kiss in the lips before we both cum in the same time.

Five pull out and fall in the bed grapping me gently to hug me and cuddle me. We where both sweaty but we didn't care we just was happy and enjoying the moment. When we could breath normal and have relax in each other arms Five spoke.

F: Y/n? he said slowly playing with my hair. 

Y/n: yes? i said 

Five: would you like to stay with and live with me in the Academy? he said making me suprised. I look up at him happy.

Y/n: really? you want me to stay with you Fivey? i said looking him in the eyes he look down at me also in the eyes.

F: of course i want to! he said giving me a kiss on the forehead. i smile at him.

F: so will you? he said touching me nose! 

Y/n: of course i will five. i said going up to kiss him in the lips.

bruh!! that took me 2 hours!

Words Cound: 1.254 wow!

I may do a part 2!

THANKS FOR 1.5k reads! 


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