Wet dream (Five)

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Warning: Smut 


Five POV:

I was sleeping with my lovely girlfriend, I wake up be hearing someone moaning, I slowly turn around to see Y/n moaning while sleeping. I imidiatly got the hind. She was having a wet dream.

I thought why not make it come true. 

I slowly take off the covers. And run my fingers down her beautiful hot body, till i got to her panties, she was so f wet, it turn me on.

I got down on her careful to mot wake her up, at least not yet. I moved her panties to the side and start to link her possy, i could hear her getting louder and moving around.

Y/n: Five what are you doing? i hear her say, i imidiatly look up at her.

F: Making your dream come true. i said calmy and start to eat her out again.

I could tell she wanted to tell me something but she could she was a moaning mess, and i could feel her getting closer to her climax. I pot 2 finger in her she imidiatly arched her back, and let out the sexiest moan i ever heard. 

Y/n: i need to come.. she said clingy around me fingers. I nod me head yes and she cum imidiatly.

I pull my finger out and lean back on my side hugging her, will she tries to cacth her breath.

F: so what where you dreaming about? What where we going this time? I asked her when she had her normal breathing again.

Y/n: Well this time we aren't alone. she said comfusing me.

F: Ho was with us then? i said as calmy as i could.

Y/n: my ex. she said making my blood boild.

F: really Y/n youre ex? that cheated on you multiple times? 

Y/n: relax five you dont even know what we were doing. 

F: okay the tell me.

Y/n: so you had my ex naked handcuffed on a chear in this room. I cut his dick off, and then set him on fire, as we started facking hard in the bed letting him watch as he was dying slowly. she said turning around to face me.

F: wow. i smile to my girl as i dint expect that.

Y/n: to bad is imposible to be true. she said cudlding up my chest.

F: oh darling nothing is impossible when you have me.


yall wanna have a part2?

Is a bit psychological this one but yeah.

sorry id idnt post for days.

i was out off ideas!


Thank so much for 9k reads!

words: 410


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