Criminal (Five)

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Okay i have to say that the idea come to me from this video so yea!


 A LITTLE BACK  STORY: you and five dont know each other, you have powers and yes this. :)

Five POV: The handler sent me to kill the board i didn't want to do that but i have to for me family and to get back to where we belong. 

-time skip to where he was killing the board-

I kill them all and i was at the last one to the fish head, when i was ready to teleport back and give the fish to the handler i saw a girl in a white dress well not white  she was very very dirty with soils and i think a little blood she was running like crazy and a man was chasing her, and she go to the room that i had kill the board the man was still chasing her, i run into the room just to see the man trying to cut her throat without thinking i teleport to the man and knock him out. The girl was scared off me now and also she know that i an teleport. She stand up i try to run away but i grap her hand and knock her out. I teleport her and me back i hide her in the bathroom of Elliot house and teleport back down to the road off Elliot house and wait for the Handler.

Y/n POV:

I wake up in a bathroom i was sure that i was never hear again. I was me face and i hear people outside talking it was to men i could see them just hear them because the door was locket and it was no other way to go out and she was happening, but there was a window i open it slowly not so they don't hear me. It was wherry height so i cant jump out off there. So use me power to make a portal and got out off there before anyone came inside.

Five POV:

I take the case and got back inside and i saw blood in the floor saying 'oga fur oga' then i hear me brother speacking and i got up steps and she the dead bode of Elliot.

I got to where me brother where and show them talking to the telephone probably thinking that this person kill Elliot.

: Its oga fur oga idiots swedes for an eye for an eye means the the swedes killed Elliott. i said polling out me jacket

D:Wrong number have a lovely day. Diego says an look at luther dumb and confused.

L: We would have gotten there. Luther says to Diego.

D: Eventually. Diego says back.

They both look at me.

L: You have a little blood in your face, you know?

D: yea a lot i would say. Diego agree with him. 

Then i remember the girl i have looked at the bathroom, shit a said to me self.

F: Did any of you go to the bathroom.

D/L: No. looked at me with a confused face again.

I walk to the bathroom door and it was looked and i sight relax because i was sure she would be there. I got the key from me pocket and open the door and i was socket for what i see no one was there the girl live and got inside and saw the window was open and i thought that he maybe try to jump out off there and i run to the window and look outside and show that it was werry height to jump off there and she did that she would die. 

F: Shit. How? i said confused.

L:Five? What wrong? What did you do?

F: Shit shit shit 

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