Truth or Dare (five)

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Warning: Smut


Y/n POV:

I was at the Academy it was late at night so i was gonna sleep there with Allison. But Klaus wanted to play truth or dare before we go to sleep and we all said yes. 

So we sit all down like cycle and started playing. It was Diego turn now to spin the bottle. It landed at me. 

D: Y/n truth or dare? he ask with a big smile.

Y/n: hmm dare. i said 

D: I dare you to sit on five lap. he said making me gasp a little. 

I look over at five and  he sit in a position so i could sit on his lap. I just walk up at him and sit down.

D: Now your gonna stay like that till we stop playing. he said i rolled me eyes.

They where still playing the game and i started moving on five lap trying to get comfortable. I heard a groan from five, i look up at him.

Y/n: are you okay? i ask nicely.

F: move one more time and you won't walk for a week. he said in me ear with a husky voice.

I just look at the other that where still playing. I like five a lot and i was sure i wanted him to fack the shit out off me, i wanted him to make him scream me name, to cut me in two pisses, oh god i was turn on now so i said we not make five fack me.

I look around they are where still playing and arguing not giving us attention. So i started to move up and down slowly at him. I could feel him getting hard, i look over at him he rolled his eyes back from what i had just done to him. With out saying something he teleport us to his room. he lock the door and start to walk over to me.

He pushed me on the bed and ripped off me clothes. He pushed his self in me not waiting a second or not even letting me adjust to his size and damn he was big.

F: I warned you Y/n! Now you're gonna take all off me

! he said going more far in me and staring to move.

Five was going so fast and hard i had cum 4 times and he dint even 1 time. It was to much for me now i could almost feel me feet now.

Y/n: Five....i said i slowly i didn't even have voice anymore. Five looked at me. 

Y/n: I can't anymore is to much. i said he slow down and look at me in the eyes.

F: Im sorry Y/n! i just cant handle it you are so hot and im so hard right now. And i wanted  to to this with you so much time ago. I like you Y/n. he said stopping moving completely.

Y/n: I like you to Five. i said smiling he kissed me i kissed back of course. he start moving slow just some thrust and he hand cum with a loud moan in the kiss.

Five was about to stand up but i stop him.

Y/n: no stay like that. i said and he smile at me kiving me a kiss he leans down not moving still in me.  I slowly hugged him and we fall asleep like that.


well. im not proud off that one!

My last one for this year!



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