bar with Klaus (five) part.2

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Warning: Smut


Five POV:

I was in bed waiting for trying to sleep, but i couldn't i was wondering if Y/n is okay and what is she doing right mow? She said she would be home before 2am but it was almost 3am. I was so worried. I designed to go down stairs and drink some water to relax a bit. 

I teleported down stairs in the kitchen and drink some water taking me time. But i could stop thing about Y/n. 

I was about  to teleport to me bedroom. When i hear someone trying to open the door, i teleported to the door and with a knife on my hand and hide beside the door so they couldn't see me.

Some minutes later they open the door and walk in, I was about to a tack them but recognize me jacket, it was Y/n. I let out a sight of relax and let the knife on the little table next to me.

F: Y/n... i said slowly she was walking strange, she turn around and looked at me her eyes where red and i could smell from hear the alcohol.

Y/n: FIVE!! she said playfully and hug me more like letting her self fall on top min

e. She was drunk.

F: hey bebe, please dont be so Lound you're gonna wake the other. i said to her wrapping her hands around me and mine around her. She nodded a yes and i teleport us to me bathroom in me room. I start to take her clothes off but she stop.

Y/n: Hey! stop there i have a boyfriend! she said aww it was so sweet.

F: HEY love im your boyfriend and i want to help you get in the shower. i said kiving her a kiss on the forehead.

Y/n: oh heyyyyy fiveeeeeyyyy. she said playfully i just chuckle and started to take her clothes off again. 

I pot her in the shower but she pool me in with her and stared kissing i wasent expecting that, but i couldn't resist i love her so much, and her kisses are so good, and i was hard for when she come to say bye to me, when i show her in that dress i could resist, she is so hot.

We where kissing for a good 10 minute's when she started to take off my shirt well me wet shirt she throw it away at started kissing me again. She slowly started to drive her hands on me abs exploring my body. When she good to my boxers, she slowly pot her hand in my boxers at touch me member palming me. I could help and let out some moans. I slowly take her ahdns out of my boxers.

F: Y/n you sure wanna do it? i mean you are drunk. i said she giggle at me a bit.

Y/n: of course i wanna do it, beside is not the first time we do it, and i want it so much and i could tell you want it to. She said and started kissing me again.

She was right but i just wanted to be sure. I take off my boxers and there where we me and Y/n naked together in the shower making out.

I tap her things talling her to jump and so she did. Wrapping her legs around my waist and her hands around me neck. I kiss her one more time before slowly potting it in. she let out a sight off reflex and so did i. Felling so good with her walls around she kissed me and we started making out again. 

After some time i start to move slowly but hard feelings so good. She stop kissing me letting out a long moan, i pot my hand on her mouth making her stop so me sibling would hear us. 

I started to going a bit faster, i let go off her mouth with me hand and start to kiss her again. The water making us sloppy but so sexy and hot.

I could tell she was about to cum and so whas i. I could resist she was clingling her walls around me so hard.

Y/n: I'm about to- she said but she couldn't finish her sentence from moaning.

F: I know so I'm i. i said 

She pull me closer making me also go further in her, it filled so good. We start to kiss again, she was clinging her walls around me so hard when she was Cumming making me go to edge and letting myself cum inside her.

It was also so good and pleasured. I  stayed in there trying to catch me breath and so did she.

When we both catch our breaths, we leaning in for a kiss. When we pull out, i also pulled out my member from her feeling our mixed cum inside her.

We started showering each other in silences but not an awkward one a werry nice one. She let me do her hair, and she did mine it feels so good doing that with her nails. 

Eventually we got out off the shower and dry ur selfs with towels. I then dry her hair because i know she dont like sleeping with wet hair. We got in bed and cuddle each other, i Waited till she falls asleep just watching her, god i love her so much.


that's it hope you like it <3

words: 892 



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