Wrong (Five)

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So i think this is gonna have a part 2. We see!!


Author Pov:

Five and Y/n where dating, well not really dating cause Five loved Dolores and Y/n loved Five. That started when Five needed a girlfriend  to hangout with he Friends because the wear saying that he have to have a girlfriend in this age and so they can go all together out with the girlfriends. So Five ask Y/n to be his girlfriend...

Y/n Pov:

Today Five ask me to join him in a restaurant with his friends, well not really ask me he ordered me. He just want to make sure his Friends aren't making fan off him.. I started to get dressed and doing me make up. When i was done  i hear Five teleport in me room and just look at me if i was done and good for him and grap me wrist and teleport to the restaurant where the other was. We take a seat. And i was thinking about Five he don't love and i know it he just want me for not being out off this friend group. What should i do? I can't live me life like this... I stop thinning when i noticed a friend off Five starting at me i look also at him for some seconds, when Five spoke in me wispering to or yelling to me.

F: why are you looking at him look at me.!

Y/n: I- 

F: He is not gonna help you!

F/f (five friend): What to you wanna eat Y/n?

Y/n: Ohh I- nothing i am not hungry thanks.

F: Good, maybe you lost some weight.! five say in me ear.

I look down and  a tear roll down me cheek. I just sit there not taking not doing anything. I then started to look a round and she girl happy with her boyfriends laughing, hugging, kissing, me thoughts where away wen Five grap me wrist again.

F: So we have to go see you guys it was nice! 

They all said good bye and Five teleport us to the Umbrella Academy i the living room before i could say something he teleport away again.

*Time skip the next day*

I was sitting in the living room and i got a text from a five friend and i we started talking and that make me smile and forget about Five.

F/F :)                                                                                                                                                                                             Wanna meet in the part tomorrow at 12:00pm ?

Y/n <3                                                                                                                                                                                          Sore! if is your girlfriend okay with this?! 

F/F :)                                                                                                                                                                                             Ohh i don't have one we broke up 2 days ago but is okay !!

Y/n <3                                                                                                                                                                                           Ohh okay then see you tomorrow!

F/F :)                                                                                                                                                                                             Yeah see you!

I close me phone And go to see what Five was doing and tell him for tomorrow. As i was walking to his room i hear him speaking to this stupid mannequin Dolores.

F: Of course i love you Dolores, Y/n its nothing i am just using her to tell me friends that i have a girlfriend..... I would never loved here he is horrible.

That make me so upset and sad and i just run to me room and cry in me bed because iam so stupid i really love him, But i have to move on he don't love. So am going tommorow with out telling him!!

Five Pov :

I was starting to get ready because we are gonna have a man night you know play video games. So i got ready and teleport to me Friend house. The other where there too and we started talking and playing some games. When we end playing we start slowly go home, i was the last that was gonna left and i when i was ready to go i open the door and i see me friend girlfriend she came in and she kissed him and me friend go inside the kitchen to clean when i say good bye and was ready to live me friend girlfriend stopped me.

F/g: Five you know that f/n broke up with his girlfriend 2 days ago?

F: Yeah

F/g: And you know she was me best friend?

F: yes? i said with an annoying face.

F/g: So me friend tell me something that f/n told her and its kinda about you and your girlfriend?

F: what is it? i said worried 

F/g: He said that....he... likes Y/n.

f: ...

f/g: I just wanna let you know about that because you never know what hapen..! she said wail starting go to the kitchen.

Ohh got i got scared because i thought they found out about Dolores but the didn't but i was hopping that Y/n didn't do something stopping, i am gonna find out...


So this is it not so got but its gonna be dramatic in the next chapter and sad i thing this story its gonna gave 3 parts so this is the first one!

OMG I just realize that is 02:21 pm i though it was like 11 in the night ...

I am gonna go to sleep! i hope you like it!


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