Christmas (aidan)

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Warning: fluff


Y/n POV:

Its 1 December! that means Christmas is coming! I wanted to start to decoration the house. so i go to Aidan studio, he was there trying to work on his new song.  I open the door with a big smile.

Y/n: Aidan! i said to him gigging.

A: NOT NOW Y/N! GO AWAY! Aidan said almost yelling at me. I always know he love his guitars more than me. But i didn't think about it that much, i know he just wanna end the song. So i describe to do it alone!

I start to get thinks i pot them all in the living room and start to build the tree. i pot some Christmas music on and start to decorate the tree. 

Some seconds later i feel 2 arms hugging me from behind, I smile up at me self knowing it was Aidan.

A: Hey sweetheart! he said so gently and relaxed that make me almost melt.

Y/n: hey Aidy! i said turning around and giving him a peck on the lips.

A: I wanted to say sorry for yelling at you before i was just stressed and wanted to end the song. I smile at him and give him a peck on the lips again, then grap a ball off the box giving to him to signal him that i wanna do it with him, hi smile and got the message.

We start to decorate the tree hearing Christmas music, dancing and having such a fun time. 

It was time to decorate the house with lights and other cute Christmas things. Aidan held me up so i could pot the star at the tree yeah we let it to do it in the final.  I was so happy it was so beautiful. Aidan take me on a big hug will we where both looking at our house that was so beautiful.  We where just starting at it for so long.

A: Wanna watch a movie and drink some hot chocolate? he said wrapping his hands around me waist and touching his forehead in mine. I just smile softly and nod.

I walk to the kitchen and start to make the chocolate and Aidan was going to chose a movie and get it ready.

I walk upstairs to our room just to see Aidan laying in bed and lot off candles hat make  it more Christmas and relaxed for me. I smile at him and just sit next to him giving him the chocolate and laying beside him cuddle up with him.




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