Just a normal day (Aidan)

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Warning: Fluff

(you are both 18 and live together and is the first day of living together, you are not famous)


Aidan POV:

I had just finished filming for today and start to drive home. At this moment all i want is some food and cuddles from Y/n and to shower of course. When i had arrive home i park me car in our parking lot and i see also Y/n car here, so se most have been home all day.

I open the door and start to change shoe's but i heard noise from the kitchen and a very good smell, i was slowly to the kitchen and she Y/n cocking and she was so peaceful and focus on the cocking that she didn't here. I got me phone out off me pocket and take a pic of Y/n cocking and post it on me Instagram story saying 'just come home and my beautiful wife is cocking for us' i tag her and post it.

I walk up to her and hug her from behind, she gasp let's just say i scared her a bit but she giggle a bit then.

Y/n: Hey Aidy! she said turning around giving me a kiss on the lips. i kiss back of course.

A: Hey Swetty. I smile and she turn around and start to cock again.

Y/n: You can go was your hand's im gonna make the table. she said.

I give her a hug from behind and nod me head. and walk away to the bathroom.

I come back Y/n had the table ready for both off us. I sit down and on me spot and Y/n brings the food.

A: What did you cook love? i ask softly

Y/n: ah i dont know the name but me father use to do it to me. It's basically spaghetti with carrots, green beans and onions like a soup. She said making me exciting i love onions.

A: Wow that sound amazing. She give me a smile and serve me some it really locket so good. 

Y/n: Aidan you don't have to eat it if you don't like it it is okay. i can't go buy you some vegan-

A: Hey its okay dont worry. i said taking a big bite. Wow it really is so good i love it. It just need a bit salt.

A: ITs so good i really like. I said she smile.

Y/n: you can have some salt if you want. She said giving it to me after poring some to her food.

I smile and got some.

We start talking and eating. When we where don't we clean the kitchen together.

A: Im gonna take a shower. i said giving Y/n a kiss on the forhead.

Y/n: okay. she smile and get to the living room and i got to the bathrom.

Y/n POV:

I was so happy that Aidan liked me food. I sit on the sofa in the living room an get me phone out, i show what aidan posted on his story about me and i littelry melt when i show the text, i repost it to me story and start to answer some dm's. 

I got up and lock out the window i the sun was alsmot gone it's time to give some water to me flowers. ( i love flowers and garten) I got out and start to do some work on the garden.

Aidan POV:

I just got dressed after shower, and got to the living room where i thought Y/n most been but she wasn't there. I look out the widown and show her giving water to her flower's, i smile to my self she was so cute she really love the garden but i really wanted to cuddle with her. 

I got out with her.

A: hey love. i said making her turn around.

Y/n: hey Aidy. she said still giving water to her flowers.

A: baby i really wanna cuddle with you and watch a movie. i said she smile.

Y/n: Don't worry I'm almost done just this last one. She said giving water to the reds flowers that where the last one in the line. I smile and go to her and hug her giving her a kiss on the lips.

Y/n: okay so what about you go and make everything ready as i go to take a shower? she ask lokingme in the eyes.

A: Sure. I said smiling graping her hand and start walking inside.

She walks upstairs to the room. I start to get things ready. So we need a planked, some snacks, some pillows, i need to find a movie and some caddles to make it more romadic. I start to set everything up and when i was done i close the lights and start to wait for Y/n.

Some minutes later i hear her coming down stairs. She looked so cute in her pj i was also in mine. 

Y/n: wow Aidan you didn't have to do all this. she said i let out a little giggle.

A: I wanted to dont worry. I said giving her a hug and a kiss. We lock eyes for a while.

A: okay come on now i want me cuddles. i said making both of us giggle.

We shout on the sofa cuddling each other, watching the movie i peck.

When the movie was over i snuggle more in Y/n neck don't wanting to let go. 

Y/n: come on baby is 11 at night you have work tomorrow. she said trying to get up but i push her back down. She giggle at me.

Y/n: don't worry bunny we will cuddle on bed again but before we have to clean up. She said and i smile and let her go.

We start to clean up and poting everything in place, locking the doors and the window's and of course closing the light's. 

A: lets go now to cuddle. I said grapping her hand and getting up stairs.  We laid down and cuddle each other again. 

A: good night bebe, i love you. i said giving her some small kisses on the neck.

Y/n: Good night bunny i love you. she said making me smile.

We fall asleep cuddling each other all night.


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hope you like it :)

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