Tik Tok part. 2

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Hey sorry for not posting for so long.

Let's start with that horny peoples.


Five POV:

I stop pounding into her possy and she thoughts i was gonna stop but i wanted more so i flipper her around and i start play with hear ass she moaning just for that. I wanted so but to just bot me knock in her ass, but i know she never did it before and i didn't want to make her feel pain.

Y: Fine want are you gonna do ?

F: shh...i am gonna start with me fingerst okay just relax and tell me if i hurt you! Okay?

Y/n just nodded and it was okay for me. So i start to slowly pot 1 finger in her ass, she tried to go away but grap her hips and pot her back down.

F: Is okay princess just relax you are gonna like it in a bit..!

Y/n nodded again i feel her start to relax her body so i decided to put 2 fingers in and she scream at this, i stop moving and just keep me fingers in her. She started moving around me fingers, so i know she was ready. I start to trust me fingers in her hard and she start moaning and thats was so hot i didn't can hold back anymore so i quickly but me fingers out off her ass.

Y/n POV:

Five pot out his fingers and i whited at that felling, but before i can say something five but his dick in me ass that was fucking fast. I scream in plesoure and so did Five!

Five cummed already in me and i did it too but he didn't stop she start going more faster than i can imagine. That make me orgasch came and i let them out with not thinking Five then star to twossing inside me and i i know he is gonna cum again so pres me hips agains hes and he let out a loud moan and fell me with hes sweet liquer again and i did it too.. 

Five but slowly his dick out off me and fall in the bed with, wie both wer heavy breathing and when we relax she turn me around carefully and hug. 

F: You okay princess? Iam sorry if that hurts i- she got cut off from Y/n.

Y:Its okay baby. I really like it so much! i say with a smile.

Five smile back and we well asleep slowly. Of courses me ass was hurting so damn much no it wassend hurting it was burning, but i was so Happy for what just happen and so tired that i didn't think about it so much and i wall asleep.


Hey there !

i hope you like this one its really take so long.

Five/Aidan imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now