livestream (aidan)

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Warning: FLUFF!


BACKSTORY: So you are a mood (im sorry if you dont know what that means lets just say this part is for the people that watch Aidan livestream).

Y/n POV:

Today was Saturday so Aidan would go live so you set up your things and get ready for the live.

*Time skip to where yall are live*

I was not listening to what the others was saying so much because they where talking about a movie that i didn't have watch i was just relaxing in my thoughts.

C: why so quite Y/n? celice said to me.

A: yeah Y/n? what your favorite part off the marvel movies? Aidan said with a funny voice making us all laugh.

Y/n: No i didn't- I- ohh. i started.

R: you okay there? Reven said cutely.

Y/n: yeah! sure im good! i said with a smile.

A: okay then we still didn't get your answer. Aidan said relaxed.

Y/n: So yall wana know me mini secret? i said to them making them excited.

All off them: yesssss!

Y/n: okay so yall. I have NEVER watch in my whole life marvel, spiderman, starwords, batman and all off those... i said cutely they all where looking at there screen like they show a gost. But revan spoke first not no spoke yell.

R: WHAT'S?!?!?!? HOWWW?!?! WHERE DO YOU LIVE?!?!?  i just let out a giggle. they where all laughing at asking thinks ''how?'' ''really?!'' and some things like that when Aidan spoke up making us go quiet.

A: YOU HAVEN'T WATCH BATMAN?? he said he couldn't believe it.

Y/n: yes i haven't! they only thing i have watch was a funny video you show o a livestream same time ago! i said laughing.

all off them expect Raven: Ohh yes i remember that!!

R: i don't! she said cutely making us all burn into laughing our asshes out!

E: But you should watch them now-! he said when we stopped laughing.

Y/n: yeah i know i just dont wanna watch it alone.... i wanna watch it with someone... you know cuddle.... and have fun.... i said making them all having cute dor eyes.

C: Well you will find someone one day!

Aidan POV: 

God i wish im gonna be the one that gonna watch it with her. I would see them all again just to be with her and cuddle her! god i fell so hard for her!!



sorry for not uptades im kinda bussy this days!

Thanks for 2k reads im so happy!!


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