bar with Klaus (five)

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Warning: fluff


Y/n POV:

I today was a lazy day for the Umbrella Academy that means that every one can do what they want to do.

Me and Klaus are going out together just for  fun to some bar. Five didn't really wanna let me go. But i did any way's. Is not like he own me. I can protect myself.

It was correctly 21:00 at night at me and Klaus are about to leave to go to the bar.

Y/n: wait Klaus im gonna say bye to five first. i said going upstairs to his room.

K: DON'T TAKE TO LONG!! I could hear klaus yelling at me, i just laugh at walk in fives room.

He was on bed looking at his phone. He didn't notice me.

Y/n: Hey five im about to leave with klaus, Are you sure you don't wanna come with us? i ask making him look up from his phone to me. His eyes imidiatly getting bigger, looking me up and down, i could tell i got a bit nervous that moment. But i decided to play it cool.

Y/n: What you dont like me dress? I said innocent and turn around so hi could see also the back off the drees. It was a very beautiful green short dress, i really love it.

F: No, you look so good. he said still looking me up and down. 

I smile at his comment and blush a bit. Five got up from the ned still looking at me, he started walking slowly to me. I didn't move i was just standing there still looking at him making his way to me.  

When he reached me he slowly wrap his hands on my waist, and give a little kiss on my neck.

F: Where is your jacket? He asked me. Now looking me in the eyes.

Y/n: I- I'm not gonna wear one. i said suffering a bit. 

F: What do you meant you probably gonna get could out there. he said i didn't answer i was just keeping looking at him. Five then give a small kiss on me cheek. He let go off my waist and he walked to his closet and search for some thing, i was just looking at him from the same spot i was before. 

F: here you can wear mine jacket. he said taking out a black jean jacket. He walked up to me and but it on me shoulders giving me a kiss on me jowline. I turn around and give him a kiss on the lips. 

y/n: thanks cutie. i said  looking at him with a smile.

Five: nothing. he said I start to walk up to the door, when i was at the door i turn around.

Y/n: see ya later baby. i said slowly walking out. I could hear five saying bye when i was closing the door.

I walk down stairs with a  big smile on my face thinking of how lucky i got to have a boyfriend like five. He is so cute with me.

K: ahh here you are what did you take so long ? klaus said snapping me out off me thought's.

Y/n: Oh come on klaus i dint even take 5 minutes up there. i said giggling a bit.

K: yeah whatever you say! can wen go now? he said with a playfully tone.

Y/n: sure lets go! i said opening the exit door.

We started walking to the bar talking and having fun...


I probably gonna do a part 2.

Thanks for 7k reads ;)

bruh! is 22/02/2022 ah an angel number!!!


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