sleeping (five)

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*Warning SMUT*


A little back story... so you are the handler child and he wants to kill u, so u go to your friend Five so he could help u and u end up to be hiding on his room in the academy and no one else know that u are there.

Five POV:

I was going to my room after night dinner and of course take some food for Y/n. I walk in and all the light where close expect me light on the me desk. i look at my bed to see her sleeping but he wasent wearing a bra just her underwear he was hiding her boobs with a blanket and basically her whole stomach and clit but her legs where out hugging the blanket i really wish it was me. i kind have crush on her but i never told her. My thoughts where interrupt when i fill my boner. i didn't think much off it and just sit on the bed and start to jerk me off.

Y/n POV:

I wake up hearing someone saying me name swettly. I slowly open me eyes and turn around to see ho it was.  but the only think ι see is five throwing his head back. It didn't take any other time to understand what he was doing. I got up and bot a shirt on, but he didn't notice me. I look at him and god i got wet at this. I slowly got on the bed by behind off him, he didn't notice me. I take his hand off off his dick.

F: Y/N you- i didn't let him Finnish.

i kiss him in the lips sweet but hard he kiss me back, i then but my hand on his dick and start to jerk him in a normal spice. i stop kissing him and look at him, he was throwing his head back, i liked that efect i have on him.

F: omg Y/n im close. he said though moans.

I just got a little faster, five let his self fall on  my slowly as he let his orgasm getting over him. he was falling on my and i was falling back on the bed letting him getting in the middle off my legs. he was moaning a little loud so i take my other hand to make him stop, he understands why and he stop moaning so loud so i late go off off his mouth. I was watching him melt under my touch, i didn't even understand than he was  cumming hard on my hand, i slow down my spice letting the orgasm getting away.

F:Y/n- i cut him off kissing him sweetly he kiss my back and i let go off off his dick. i clined my hand on a towel that was on the bed next to us. i then  look at five he was tired. i hug him and he give a little laugh, we fell asleep like this...


Hey! :)

Do you want a part 2?

that was kinda small but okay...



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