tired (five)

487 7 4

Warning: SMUT


Y/n POV: 

Five was doing his work and was fucus on all those papers on the desk, he wasent giving me attention but i know he was stressed and wand to end all this to have some time together . Five was sitting on his desk in or room in the Academy i was jus sitting n the bed thinking about random things, but then i look at Five and he was nervous i could say something was  bothering him. But i could found what and i did want to ask him. So i just relax looking at the ceiling.

F:Baby? Five said slowly. I look up at him and he was looking at me.

F:Can you help me with something? he said making me sit up and walk over him.

Five gapped my waist and i look down at him and then show that he was horny he have a boner.!! that why he was like that! 

Y/n: Hmmm? need some help? i say slowly getting on my knees. but Five stopped my.

F: No not like that. Just be a good girl and do what i told you to do!?

I just nodded as a yes. Then Five slowly take my panis off and let me half naked. Five slowly robbed my clit i moan a little then he finally stack one finger in and start going fast to make me water, i moan a little. When Five thought i was inaf wet for him see let go off off me, five then stand up and give my e pick on the lips and pullet his poxer down and ther it was his big fat dick stand up hitting his stomach he then just sit back down  and make me sit on his lap to slowly take him. he let out a a heavy breath when he was full in my. Five look at me and said.

F: Now sit here till im done with me work. and DONT MOVE OR YOU GONNA GET A PUNISNET!! GOT IT? Five said with a whisper yell. i just nodded my head as a yes and he went back to his work.

*after 30 minutes*

Five was still working and it seems like he have to much work left. i couldn't take it any more so clings my walk around him to make him notice. he did say anything show i did it again.

F: Do it again and your not gonna walk for a month!! five send and that was inaf to make me stop.

*2 hours later*

I could really take it any more i just wanted to jump up and down on him! 

Y/n: are done yet? i ask waiting to have a yes for an answer.

F: No. is the only thing he said.

I but my head on his neck so he could see my face and start to cry a little with out making a noise. When i relax a little i look around and show a some rope and i got an idea on my mind.

I use me telekinesis to take it to my, then with me telekinesis i tied him in the chair with out him notice, but when he notice it was to late. now he was tied up in the chair and he could move and his hand to.

F:Y/n WHA- i interrupt him.

Y/n: what is it daddy? you thought i would stay here waiting for you to be ready? NO im not gonna do that so now stay here and take what i give to you as a good boy that you want to be for. AND DONT YOU DEAR TELEPORT!!! I say looking him in the eyes. I could say he was cumfysed and exited goes i feel him getting harder inside my.

F: what if i telepo- i interrupt him again.

Y/n: then your not gonna fuck me for 2 weeks! get it? i say looking him up and down.

F: mhmm yes. five said.

I just start to move up and down really fast and hard taking him all in ride him fast and hard. Five moaned louder than me i could even hear my moans.

F: im gonna cum!! five send tho moans.

Y/n: No! I said and get off off him he looked at me mad.

F: WHAT THE HELL Y/N? WHY?!!!!!!!!! Five yell at me i did answer him just wait two minutes to tease him more.

F: y/n please...

I go and take him in my again ride him very slowly.

F: please...

I dont hear him and just go slowly but hard and we start moaning again, i then start go super fast and hard five looked at me with his mouth open off how fast and hard i was getting on him he could say something he was just looking at my with mouth open and eyes. 

Y/n: whats wrong daddy? i said like i did know what i was doing to hi. 

F: im gonna cum.hard. he said when he snap out off it.

I just got up off him real quick not let him cum again. Five looked pissed mad and sad.

F: why? why? just WHY? what did i do to you? i did answer just got in the bed and relax a little.

*After some minute's *

F: please Y/n? i cant take it anymore it hurts bad... please.... i look up at him and he was lookin  a little hurt, so i walk up to him and start to take him slowly in my he let out a gasp when i was full in him. 

I kiss him slowly and sweet letting him know that i still love him and care about him. he kissed me back. I start to go on normal and he was twisting in my already. 

F: Y/n please let me cum... please.... five send tho moans and tired.

Y/n: wait a little... i said and five look at me socket and tired... i look at him looking his hair going in his face i kiss him sweetly still going in him. 

f: please...? i start going very fast and hard again on him and he was dong his best to not cum. When i though it was time to stop i tall him.

Y/n: Cum daddy. he looking at me happy and cum with a really loud moan.

i still going on him serching for mine orgasm.

F: be carefull  babe im sensitive... he said out off breath..

I put me hand on my clit and start robbing it hard and fast. after 3 minutes i also cum with a loud moan.

i got up and undied five and help him to the bed we doth was to tired to take a shower. we cuddle and fall asleep naked...

Five/Aidan imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now