Father part. 2 (Five)

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Warning: fluff and little tease!


Y/n POV:

I wake up on Five room on his bed not wearying anything, i look around and dont see him. I got up and take one off Five t-shirt to where and some pans i go to his bathroom to wash me face and hands so i could feel more awake but then i heard the door open and hear Five come in.

F: Good morning bunny! he said going up to the bed, i was spying on him from the bathroom door. Five got socket when he found out im not in the bed. So i quickly run up to him and hug him from behind and give him some kisses on his neck. I could feel Five smile and letting out a little giggle.

Y/n: Good morning handsome! i said happily he turn around giving my a peck on the lips. We lock eyes for a while but then he grap me and jump with me in the bed kissing me a little roughly but still gently.

Five: Come on i make you breakfast! he said stopping kissing me. He was about to got up but i push him back down placing him in the middle off my legs. 

Y/n: But i wanna eat you! i said with a smirk he smirk back and start to kiss me again. He let go off the kiss.

F: You can eat me the night now you gonna eat the breakfast i make you like a good girl that you are. he said going up taking me with me and butting my on the desk next to the breakfast, Five grap a  croissant placing it in from off my mouth so i could bit it. I smile at him and open up and he push it in i bit it and he smile at me placing the croissant on the  plate, he let go off me and start to pot some clothes on, I just smile and start to eat.

F: bunny? five said to me.

y/n: mhm? i hummed in repost.

F: Do you need anything from your house like clothes or something? he said looking at me.

Y/n: So that means you really mean it? huh? i said coming up to him placing my hands to his neck.

F: of course i did bunny! he said kissing me on the forehead. I smile and kiss him on the lips hugging him.

Y/n: thank you thank you so much Five! i said slowly in the hug.

*time skip*

It was time to go to my old house now Five is going with me to make sure everything is gonna be fine. 

F: you ready? five said walking out off the bathroom.

Y/n: Yes i am! i said happy that five is coming with me.

Five smile at me and take hand to teleport us to my old house more basically to my room. I let go off his hand to start to take my thing as fast as i could i just wanted to go away from there.

F: hey hey relax im with you dont worry take your time. Five said to me making me relax a little and stop to do it so fast. Suddenly one thing fall from my hand and it make it noise and my father heard it, i could hear his footsteps coming to my room, he start yelling things like ''here you are now'' ''your gonna regret what you did'' ''you little slut'' are something five grap my be my arm and push my in the now empty closet.

Father: ho the hell are you?! AND WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE! he said yelling at five, five doesn't like people to yell at him.

F: huh me? five said calmy something that surprise me in other times he would just kill him be choking him.

Father: YES YOU?!?! my dad said with attitude.

F: ohh me nothing just protecting me wife. Five said making me be so happy he want me to be his wife i love him so much!

Father: WHAT WIFE AND BULLSHIT- he got interrupted be five teleporting behind him and knocking him out. I immediately run out the clothes and into five arms.

F: you okay? five said just to make sure. i look at him and nod as yes.

Y/n: so im your wife now? i said with a smile five smile back.

F: if you wanna be. he said smiling at me. I just kiss him he kiss back.

F: well i think its time to go before he wake up he said looking at my dad on the floor. I just walk up to my suitcase with all the thing i need.

Y/n: Im ready! i said turning around to face him. he let out a giggle and walk up to me, take my  hand and teleport back to his room. 

I immediately got bushed on the wall be five that start to kiss me, i let the suit case fall from my hand and start to play with hes hair.


sorry for not update for so long its been some rought 

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