○ Act I | Interlude 03

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Cigno Fanciulla Act I: Sinfonia Sparza
《Interlude - Cavalry Captain》

"Where Kaeya meets the Belle of the Swans, expecting for her to fall into his charms. Where he realizes things that he hadn't quite expect to happen."

One fine day in Mondstat, the performing troupe of Fontaine had settled in for a full week in regards to their schedule of performances in the nation. Right then, there at the central plaza where the most delicious of aromas wafted into the air with joyous glee, a certain ravenette with amber eyes had ended up lost in the moment.

There she stood, a sore thumb sticking out of the crowd due to her clothing. While others seemed to have definitely come from Fontaine, she appeared to be a tourist from Inazuma by the way her dress screamed the nation's fashion: the base, a dirty white kimono with a gradient of purple, indigo, and blue; the ornaments of the base, notable purplish white feathers; yet the manner of which she wore the clothes, quite revealing of the skin with her exposed right shoulder.

Unknown to her, she had taken the interest of a certain male. He walked simple steps, breathing in her appearance, and assessing the situation before he jumped into action.

"Are you lost, fair maiden?" He asked.

The female stared at him, sending him an unknown feeling to well up in his chest. If he thought she was beautiful from, up close she was ethereal. He silently chuckled at the back of his head, now he knew why people said that there was a belle of the troupe who garnered the most attention - one who seemingly made the performances breathe a new type of aesthetic design.

"Ah yes, disappointingly so. May I ask where should I go?" Her manner of speech was strictly noble and polite, well maybe not as noble like the Lawrence clan who spoke in highly poetic phrases that no one really could decipher unless if it were their own.

"Where does the fair maiden wish to go? I'm feeling quite generous to help." He responded, expecting a charmed response.

Yet he was met by a still and stoic expression. "Perfect. I'm quite famished. This aroma is nice, but it's far too strong for my comfort. Do you have another place to suggest for a quick bite?"

He closed his eyes, thinking of a good place to go. He hummed upon reaching the decision of going to his brother's tavern. Truly it would be a perfect excuse for a morning drink of alcohol, as they offered meals light yet delicate enough to match with the strong wine and drinks they brew up.

Nodding, he gave out a charming smile in front of the maiden, "Say, an angel like you would perfectly fit in at Angel's Share. They're a tavern of Dawn Winery's, but they also serve light enough meals to pair with the drinks. What do you say, fair maiden?"

Before he could even check on her, she was already walking towards a certain direction that pointed to the tavern he had spoken of. It seemed like the female had already asked others where Angel's Share was located, while he had been spouting out his dialogue.

How very odd she was, leaving the Cavalry Captain all alone when mostly anyone from Teyvat would die to spend a minute of his time with him. A spark ignites within his eyes, determined to have her as he catches up to her in a quick second.

"You wound me, fair maiden. How could you leave your guide alone?" He asked hurt, pouting ever so slightly.

This causes the ravenette to stop in her tracks, and to face him square on. There it was yet again - that disinterested gaze. He couldn't believe how consistent she was at this act. If this was on purpose, then he was ready to give an applause because she had been getting him on his toes all this morning when it should be the other way around.

Her bored gaze meets his, and as she speaks, "You talk too much for a Cavalry Captain. Your troops could go hungry, yet you seem to be the type to spout nonsense instead of providing them food." His heart shatters to pieces after hearing her remarks.

He knew who she reminded him of now: his sore thumb of a brother, Diluc. She was way too blunt, uptight! If he couldn't get his brother to face him - how could he even charm this lady who's a prick like the master of Dawn Winery?

While he was caught up on his thoughts, she had already made her way into the tavern - leaving him once again.

Wait a second. He never told her that he was the Cavalry Captain!

With a restored vigor, he strides next to the female as he seats himself on the one to her right. They shared glances: his sapphire blue eyes shining like the gems they are with a hint of mischief; her amber golden hues glinting with a certain ferocity as if to warn him not to continue.

"I never said my position to you. How'd you know?" He cooed, expecting that she'd be bashful or almost embarrased she had been caught red-handed.

Instead, she laughed at him. Her laughter airy light, and melodious like an aria. It was simple ethereal as if an angel had been gracing him with its songs.

Wiping off a non-existent tear away from her cheek, she flashes off an expression of amusement, "Oh dear, don't flatter yourself. The person I asked had already informed me who you are." She confessed, making him remember his surroundings at the moment.

Ah yes, she had asked Marjorie who had been wandering around for her morning stroll - that woman had always been a bit too talkative for her own good. So, with his pride and ego taking a huge blow to his self-esteem, he seemed disheartened.

Kaeya was indeed in low spirits up until he noticed that the female had kept her gaze on him, it was enough to send his heart to flutter as it displayed an expression so soft and gentle.

"Cavalry Captain, Kaeya was your name, right? A pleasure to meet you. I'm Fenella of Fontaine's Travelling Performers Troupe." She greeted with a lovely smile.

That was when Kaeya knew he had fallen head over heels for the first time in a long while.

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