□ Act III | Chapter II

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Cigno Fanciulla Act III: Armonia Entropica
《Chapter II - Prompting Repercussions》

"For every deed you have done with your hands, whether good or bad, you shall suffer the rightful consequences of your actions. You may not be in judgement's hands just yet, but be wary for it'll strike you down."

"Leave us be." The female attendant excused herself after pouring and serving us tea, according to Hiiragi Shinsuuke's orders.

Soon as it remained to be us three in the room, both my cousin, and the Hiiragi's Head knew that they could not further delay their meeting with me. For they understood their places after realizing that I, indeed, have been the one to paint the innocent white snow into a lovely crimson on that day - that I am powerful enough rid of them in any second.

Taking in the cup of fragrant Jasmine Green Tea, I let the tea leaves swirl in the liquid as I inhale its steam - before giving it a light blow, and a slight sip; allowing the refreshing floral flavor to mingle with the bitterness of the green tea.

Setting my cup down, I spoke, "I've heard about how you butchered our clan's reputation, Yuuto." My gaze fell silent on him, eyeing how he'd tremble upon my words.

He suddenly bowed his head down to the floor, and whisper-yelled, "I-I'll do anything, cousin! Spare my life!"

His way of begging for my mercy left a foul taste on my mouth. How could it be that the person who won by my passing whim on that day, would again ask for such grace today?


"Then, give me a badge and let me reside in our family estate at Higi Village." My request led him to have that questioning gaze, his face perplexed by what I asked for.

He takes a bit of time to process it through, but nods quite unsure, "The estate over there is well-maintained, and its facilities are functional. But why would you go there when it's near the forces of Tatarasuna, where the resistance is located?"

Keeping the information in mind, I smiled, "Even the Shogun does not know of its location. It'll be a vital part of my being here in Inazuma." I said before sipping on my tea.

How could I expect that these two nincompoops would understand my plans without them knowing the importance of the Tomoe Estate at Higi Village?

Surely, no one in their right minds would have stayed at Higi Village - it's unmanned ever since the Serpent's existence, and it will continue to be that way.

However, Tomoe Gozen, wished to have a base in that area to monitor the activities around the forts surrounding it, as well as Nazuchi Beach. To her, she wanted to secure these areas in order to protect them, thus the estate was more of a military base than a luxurious house.

What I'm after in that estate, is the security against the Raiden Shogun if I ever blow my cover in Inazuma City. Another, is that there are archives in that military base which could equip me with more knowledge - as well as the competencies of being Clan Head.

Clan Head?

"Young Miss, are you really going to announce your return even if you are charged with treason?" The Hiiragi's Head asks out of concern.

《R18+》Cigno Fanciulla | ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now