● Act II | Epilogue

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Cigno Fanciulla Act II: Notte di Luna
《Epilogue - Scenery of the Moon Reflected on the Sea》

"One day, I wish we could sail across the seas when the warring tides have ceased. For all we know, it could be prettier if there was no bloodshed tainting the crystal purity of our reflections - maybe then, we could be given a chance to repent for our crimes."

At the break of dawn, we boarded a ship heading to Inazuma. There with us was Childe and a few of his agents at the Northland Bank whom have become closely trusted allies. And from a far off distance, I caught a glimpse of the abyssal energy I knew far too well.

Looking over the people, and the heart of Liyue, there was a melancholic feeling that washed over me. Six years of my absence, you've changed drastically. If I were ever to return, it would be a blessing to see you flourish. Yet if I were to meet my end, it was already a blessing to have seen you come so far.

"Before I forget, here is a letter from Capitano, and a little gift from Mister Zhongli!" Childe passed by me, and handed me an envelope with a small box along with it.

Seeing these two objects in my hand, I couldn't stop the bubbly feeling that built up from the pit of my stomach. Who would've known that the silly old brawns for brains Capitano would learn to send a letter, or that the retired Geo Archon would have sent me a gift as a token of a momentary companionship.

"Send them my thanks, Ajax. I doubt I'll be able to any time soon." I said regretfully.

Mirroring my disappointment, Childe frowns yet only manages to sigh, "Alright, but do me a favour and don't be too sad about it. I'm sure you'll make it through alive, Feathers."

A smile graces upon my face, and I allow a parting embrace with the tall ginger headed boy. It was brief, yet it was enough as we pulled away.

"I better be careful or your tiny boyfriend would curse me to death. Who knows, he might be lurking around the shadows like the creep he is." As he shudders from the thought, the man he dreaded around had already been listening in the background.

Our gazes meet shortly, and I already pitied the youngest out of us Harbingers. The next moment, Scaramouche made use of his electro vision to shock Tartaglia, which caused the boy to hide behind me in a swift motion.

"You should really be more careful of what nonsense you're spouting, brat." The Balladeer warns, growing closer to us.

The boy behind me hides desperately, probably in fear of what his senior could do to him. That is exactly why I bursted out into laughter at this scene unfolding behind me - the hunter becomes the hunted!

"Amusing, but I suppose we should depart now, Ajax." I told Childe, which led him to frown.

"Fine...I'll go after I kiss my lovely sister!" Before I could even register his words, he had already planted a kiss onto my forehead and fled the ship.

I could hear his cheeky laughter, and also the screams of profanities from Scaramouche. While Childe was already waving us goodbye, the Balladeer could no longer do anything as the ship has already set sail.

Defeated, he sighs and stares at me - more to my forehead before planting a kiss on it too, "There, I have covered the tracks of that imbecile. Tch. The audacity of his to taint what is mine." He mumbles the last part with a hint of irritation.

Watching him as the wind blows softly, bells chiming from his hat as they caught onto the breeze. This peace was enjoyed between both of us, witnessing the rising sun. And so, our journey presses on forward - whether it were to be suffering head on the storms, or the turbulent seas in the future, we will be ready. But for now, there was only the calm tides of the sea accompanied by a gentle breeze.

After receiving dinner from the kitchen, I head into my cabin to eat. Tonight, I was served with a hearty beef stew and herbed rice. The chefs must have used those ingredients that would go to rot first. Either way, the food was comforting and refreshing. It was quite similar to the food I enjoyed at Fontaine.

When I was done, I found the time to be just right to read the letter from Capitano, and to open the gift Zhongli has wrapped into a tiny box. Quite unsure which one should go first, I decided to have the present unboxed.

Inside the small box was a pair of earrings that resembled Zhongli's and Childe's put in together. The amber stone was on top of the silver grey tassels, and squashed below a light material of limestone. Along with the earrings were a tiny note:

"These are blessed by the adepti, and I. May it ward off the evil intent surrounding you, and keep you safe for your return."

I smile at the thought the gift held within them. These will surely be a part of my everyday clothing now for it is a blessed vessel which could work into my favour. I may not know how it works, but there will come a time that it shall reveal its effectiveness when the need for it arises.

Swiftly, yet carefully wearing the earrings, I was surrounded by a faint glow which made me feel at ease. Not only that, I felt as if all my fatigue has dissapeared along with light it had produced briefly. Truly, it was one of the most meaningful gifts I've ever received in my life.

Now, to read Capitano's letter.

Opening the envelope, I could already see the messy and clumsy writing of Capitano. It seemed as if he was a bit hesitant with how to write to me by the way some letters were not linked to the other, in contrast to how he usually had neat handwriting for his letters to Captain Beidou back then.

I could already feel quite betrayed by him, but dread filled me as I read his letter. It shared our like sentiments, yet it also gave a bit of encouragement from the small bits of support. I couldn't help but feel upset with the way things were written - of how it made me feel guilt for not even bothering to drop by or write to him within the six years of being in Fontaine. Sure we'd meet at times when he has meetings with Pulcinella, but I never really did oblige to spending some time with him.

After all, I've always found him as an annoying uncle of some sort.

But his letter has also opened my eyes to a broader horizon. It reassured me that it was not only I who feared the possible end, and that I am treading on the right path. However, all of these thoughts had already grown quite suffocating.

So, I went out of my cabin to marvel the night sky from the ship's deck. There was not a single cloud in the sky, which allowed the moon to be reflected as a whole on the sea. Although, the air felt oddly warm.

Reaching out a hand to feel the wind, it grew warmer as the sinister feeling increased. This led me to think of just what awaits us the closer we get to Inazuma. Though one thing is sure -

"A storm is fast approaching."

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