Incorrect quotes!

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Grian: I have a science headcanon!

Iskall: Can you just say hypothesis like a normal person?

Grian: So my science headcanon is-

Xisuma: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one, you'll be fined.

EX: Heck

Xisuma: You're on thin f***ing ice.

Xisuma: Oh no...

Mumbo: Hey Grian, what's up?

Grian: I'm sitting in a pool of blood.

Mumbo: Is it... your blood?

Grian: Yeah, I think so.

Mumbo: Do you know where it's coming from?!

Grian: Probably the stab wound.


Grian: Oh yeah, definitely.

Grian: I don't know why we need driver's training. Driving is just like Mario Kart, except slower abd you can't throw blue shells at people.



Xisuma: Alright, so you're never driving.

Cleo: Did it hurt when you fell?

Grian: From heaven? No, I'm no-

Cleo: No, I mean when you fell down the stairs. I watched you fall and just lay there on the floor for about ten minutes.


Joe: We both saw that

False: How do Grian and Iskall usually get out of these messes?

Cleo: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out.

Grian, to Stress: Now, before I tell you my idea, are you allergic to dolphins?

EX: Are you calling me a liar?!

Xisuma: I ain't calling you a truther!

Xisuma: Why are you late?

Wels: A technical error occurred causing an unexpectedly long bought of unconsciousness.

Xisuma: Overslept?

Wels: Overslept.

Joe: 30 day free trial of being okay.

Grian: OP where's the link?

Grian: Where's the link, OP?

Cleo: I think the Hermits have evolves as a group consciousness so that no individual truly knows what they're doing.

Scar: They're here!

Doc: You think it's a trap?

Scar: Definitely.

Doc: You want to go spring it?

Scar: Absolutely.

False: Strange light in my kitchen, so either getting murdered or abducted. Will keep you updated.

Xisuma: what if it's Mothman?

False: Then it's marriage.

Stress: Oh, come on, what's the harm in taking a look around?

Doc: With this group? Clearly, you haven't been paying attention.

False: Why don't you stay down and die with dignity?

Grian: We don't do anything with dignity!

Cleo: How tall are you?

Grian: Height is a social construct.

Cleo: So, you're short.

Stress: You should style your hair. I think a nice undercut will give that "don't f**k with me" vibe, you know?

False: I mostly use my face for that.

Taurtis: did you just refer to a knife as a "people opener"?

Sam: Should I not have?

Xisuma: I hope you have a good explanation for this.

Iskall: We have three actually.

Grian: Pick your favorite.

Skeppy: who the f**k-

BBH: Language!


Skeppy: whom the f**k

Doc: Alight, listen here, you little sh*ts.

Doc: Not you Scar. You're an angel and we're thrilled you're here.

False: You're smiling, did something good happen?

Doc: Can't I just smile because I feel like it?

Xisuma: Grian tripped and fell in the parking lot.

Grian: this is a mass text

Grian: Does anybody know where I am?

Grian: But who can I trust?

Taurtis: Yourself?

Grian: *scoffs* no

Tommy: Wanna see how bad*ss I am?

Tommy: *Punches a wall*

Tommy: ...could someone take me to the hospital?

(Also, Philza: *Disappointed father noises*)

Wilbur, coming home 11.5 minutes past curfew: Techno? I'm home!

Philza, a dramatic dad (tm), sitting in the dark: Hi home, I'm diSaPPOINTED

Grian: Chillax!

Joe: That's not a word.

Grian: Sometimes the ones who deny 'chillax' are the ones who need to chillax the most.

Quackity: Guess what number I'm thinking of!

Sapnap: Four-twenty?

Quackity: No. That's really immature of you. Someone else guess and please take this seriously.

Dream: Is it sixty-nine?

Quackity: Yeah. It was sixty-nine.

Techno: Are you inside my ceiling, Tommy?

Tommy, from inside the ceiling: No..

Cleo: How many people do you have to kill for it to be illegal?

Xisuma: One. One person.

Hels: Are you sure?

(Xisuma: Where the frick did he come from???)

EX: Every talk I have with you people gets more and more absurd.

Grian: You say 'you people' like you're not part of the group. Well, I got news for you, Point Break. You're already on the Christmas card.

Sam: I'm confused about the nature of your relationship, is he your ward...?

Tommy: No!

Philza: He's my son.

Wels: Don't break people's hearts, they only have one.

Hels: Break their bones, they have plenty of those!

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