Dragon father

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This story occurres right after the Tegg game concluded, in which Cub was victorious.

The night was peaceful for a change. Owls hooted overhead, looking for their next meal. The village of Boatem was preparing for the Giga-build Grian had proposed.

But for now, all was quiet. The man who came up with the idea, Grian himself, stayed up in his starter base.

The man just wasn't feeling tired yet, as too much enthusiasm was bubbling up at the concept of him and his friends working together and creating something never seen before... probably.

The now returned Tegg was propped up on his nightstand where it would remain safe for the rest of the season.

But, now that he'd gotten a closer look at it, somethings seemed off. It pulsed with lines of glowing purple, like Crying Obsidian, but it hadn't been doing that the other times he had it in his possession.

Something was afoot here, and maybe it was the lack of sleep, but Grian would get to the bottom of this.

Differing book from all genres lines the back wall. From mystery to adventure, to Fiction or Non-fiction. It would be hard not to find and explanation.

Grian grabbed a book on all the mobs of this world, whether they be extinct or still roaming to this day, it listed them all. Even, the fabled Ender Dragon.

He stopped on the page about the dragon and read through it. This was it, it had to be. Apparently, the dragon had been killed hundreds of years ago, and it's eggs became dormant, scattering across the lands.

When Grian got to the part that talked about signs of hatching, realization dawned on him. It said that as the egg would get closer and closer to it's hatch day, the purple lines around it would brighten.

These were so bright, it almost blinded the ex-Watcher. But that still didn't explain why it was hatching now!!

The eggs of the dragon were mebt to permanently dormant, as they need their mother's magic to grow. How was this possible?!

It shouldn't be possible...



Grian looked down at his palms, expecting to see their normal peachy color, until pulsing with purple Watcher magic.

The magic pulsed in time with the glowing lines, acting like a viable heartbeat.

Silence filled the room, the only sound being the faint hum of the egg.

Then, a sound disturbed the quiet.


Grian's eyes flew up to the egg, as more and more lines of purple spider-webbed across it's smooth surface.


With a heave, the egg burst open. It's former occupant tumbling out, not yet used to using it's legs. Purple eyes met with seafoam-green.

The baby dragon blinked up at the winged man, softly squeaking as it rose to it's feet. Grian felt his heart tug as he listened to the little dragon's confused chirps.

He slowy bent down as to not alarm the small creature, a tip he picked up when his cats were just kittens.

The little dragon took one look at the crouching man, and snuggled up to his side almost immediately. Grian rose up, letting the little dragon cling to his sleeve.

As he stood, the dragon nestled itself into the crook of his neck, and softly squeaked.

What just happened, should've been impossible, and yet it felt so right at the same time.

Maybe it had something to do with his powers, or it could be something else entirely.

Whatever the case, it looked like Grian had a new little friend now. That ment he needed to name it.

A good, gender-neutral name.. 

Well, Sora could work, for now anyways.

Now the real challenge. How would the other hermits react?

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