The Alternative (Rancher duo au)

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I'm a massive Pearl fan, and I loved that she won Double Life. But, I can admit I really wanted the Ranchers to win too!

So, I decided to write a one-shot about that alternative!

I'm doing my best to make sure the settings and locations are accurate, but I'm only going off the CC's videos for this, so I don't always have a good scope of reference.

It was bound to happen sooner or later. The curse.

The thing that turned Jimmy into the butt of the joke with his friends.

He had hopes, as he always did. This time, he wouldn't be first out! He'd make sure of it!

And then he died. Or, more rather, Tango died.

The Flare had been borderline crushed by it, apologizing for his mistake.

And Jimmy? He... he couldn't bring himself to be mad at him. He'd be the world's biggest hypocrite if he was.

They'd been through so much, all the hardships, all the pain. But they triumphed together, and Jimmy didn't know what he'd done to deserve such an amazing Soulmate.

And now all that was crashing down around him. The Enderman was right behind him, screaming in his ears.

His small body was light, keeping him just out of the monster's grasp. He knew it wouldn't last forever, though. He'd trip or stumble or do something stupid to get himself killed.

In the back of his mind, he wondered if he should've hidden under that tree when he saw it. It's too late to turn back now.

He just had to run and hope that Tango kept their energy up.

The Ranch! Their Ranch! So close, yet so far away.

The thing above him screamed, teleporting in front of him. Jimmy stumbled back, his clipped wings fluttering out.

His shoes dug into the dirt, and he forced himself back. The Enderman hissed, shooting after him.

The gorge loomed in front of him, promising a steep drop into deep water. Jimmy forced himself to keep going, keep running.

Even so, he could feel resignation creeping in. He couldn't outrun this thing. He couldn't fight it, even if he'd healed a bit thanks to his Soulmate.


Wait a minute... maybe...

The gorge! It has water!

Hope bloomed in Jimmy's chest, even with his attempts to push it back. There was no guarantee he even made it to the water. The Enderman could catch him, or he could hit a block on the way down.


But... if it gave Tango a fighting chance.

If it gave him a fighting chance, he'll take it any day.

He came to the edge, not bothering with the bridge. It'd guarantee he was over water, but he'd never make it. It was too far.

He took one, shuddering breath, praying it wasn't his last, and leaped.


The water shocked him, its frigid temperature prompting a gasp. He coughed, his body shuddering, trying to rid itself of the excess water.

He was lucky the Warden wasn't still down here. (Out of the frying pan and into the fire, as they say).


He escaped...

He did it! He's alive!

The Enderman (Jimmy didn't know if it even tried following him down the gorge) was long gone, given up on its endeavor.

He laughed. Low and hollow. All the pain and fear melted away. For now... for now, the universe decided to be merciful.

Jimmy didn't know how much longer it took him to get back to their beloved Ranch. It felt like too long. His soul ached for his partner.

The house still carried the faintest scent of ash and heat, no matter how hard they tried to be rid of it. But Jimmy didn't care, not now.

Because he was finally home, safe. For now.

Footsteps, quickly approaching him. Strong arms, belonging to that of his Rancher, his Soulmate.

The Flare held him close, tail wrapping around him as he slowly increased his body temperature.

Jimmy sunk into Tango's arms, thanking the universe for sparing him, just this one time.

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