You mean the world to me (Part of the Fluff vs Angst war)

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(Gem × Pearl)

A brunette girl sat atop her base, blissfully staring up to the night. A cool breeze swayed her hair, with blew into her face.

The other people who lived in the Boatem village had gone to sleep, exhausted from working on projects and mega builds, but not her.

No, something was keeping her up. A constant nagging at the back of her mind that she tried to ignore. She thought she just needed some fresh air, that's why she was up there. 

But that didn't work. Pearl slowly walked to the entrance to the village, her body having a mind of it's own. She climbed through the Nether portal, it's soft whooshing filling her ears.

Pearl wasn't sure where she was going, just that she felt like she needed to be somewhere, even if she didn't know where.

Finally, she was at a portal. False, Stress, and Gem's. Maybe it was a misunderstanding, but she could've sworn she felt her face heat up when she saw Gem's name.

Anyways, Pearl soon found herself standing outside of Gem cottagecore home. A lone lantern illuminated the front door. Pearl debated knocking, what if Gem was asleep? To be honest, she herself should be asleep.

After a bit, Pearl rapped lightly on the wood door. Nothing but silence. Pearl was just about to leave, mentally scolding herself for even thinking that anyone besides herself would be up at this ungodly hour, when she heard a low creak.

"Pearl...?" A soft voice whispered. Pearl turned to Gem, as the Nature Sprite stepped into the moonlight.

Their eyes locked and for a moment, time froze. Pearl couldn't stop staring at her. Her throat closed up, her body grew warm, her hands shook.

The girl broke eye contact from her and resorted to start a staring contest with the path. She didn't even notice Gem coming towards her until she felt her hands on her shoulders.

Pearl looked up, her foggy blue eyes wide with surprise. Gem had her shoulders, keeping the female time traveler steady. The look on her face showed nothing but concern and worry for her friend.

"I-I'm sorry, I think I blanked out for a second. It is really late..!" Pearl tried to assure her, even mustering up a laugh. Why is she suddenly feeling like this?! It felt like her heart wanted to jump out of her chest.

"Pearl, you're all red! Are you ok??" Gem voiced her worries to her. Pearl hadn't even realized her cheeks and ears were now a scarlet red color. How embarrassing...

"No no! It's fine! Probably just sunburn from working all day!"

Then, Pearl realized what all this meant. She liked her. Gem. Sweet, kind Gem. That's why she felt this way.

She couldn't let her know of her feelings, she just couldn't! What if Gem doesn't feel the same, and it ends up ruining their friendship?!

Gem lead Pearl into her house and had her sit on a spare bed. She told her to please wait while she got something to treat her with. While she was gone, Pearl toiled with her thoughts.

The Nature Sprite soon returned, with a bottle of lotion and some Glow Berries. The girl let her friend treat her actual burns, while refusing any on her face, claiming she was sensitive to ointments there.

When she was done, Gem was checking on her, making sure that her friend was comfortable and even offered for her to stay the night,  before turning to leave the room.

It was now or possibly never, who knows how long it'd take Pearl to rack up the courage to try again. "Gem..?"

The taller girl looked back, her brown eyes a mix of confusion and worry.

"I have something I've been meaning to tell you, could you sit please?" Pearl gestured to the spot next to her. Gem nodded, and sat down beside her.

Pearl took a deep breath and begun. "Gem, I'm going to be completely honest here when I say you're probably the sweetest person I've ever met!"

"Awe, you're too kind Pearl!"

"And, I really appreciate that you were there for me on our first day here. I just hope that whatever I say next doesn't dampen the fact we're friends!"

Gem stayed silent, but nodded as a sign that she was listening and engaged in what she had to say.

"Gem, I really really really like you, like more than just friends or best friends" Pearl had to pause for a moment to collect herself. "Gem, I love you! And I'm aware that you probably don't share those feelings, but I desperately needed to get that off my chest!"

Gem stared at the now flustered Pearl, the girl covering her face with her hands in an attempt to not been see as red as a stop-sign.

"Pearl..." Gem couldn't find the correct words. Her voice trailed off to barely a whisper.

"Pearl.. I think you should know that..."

"I love you, too..."

Pearl looked up, her palms wet from unknown tears that spilled out. Gem gave her a small cloth so the girl could compose herself. After a moment, Pearl spoke.

"Y-you do..??" Her voice was thin and raspy. Gem pulled the time traveler closer, and wrapped her arms around her.

"If course I do."

"Because... you mean the world to me..."

(899 words)

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