The Tree of Life

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(Aka a piece of my Minecraft world's lore)

Standing at 110 feet tall and 150 feet wide, at the tallest point in the flowering forest, is The Tree of Life.

It was first discovered when a lone adventurer (me) and her companion, a wolf named Pipin, stumbled across it during their quest to find a homeland to settle in.

Upon further investigation, the adventurer scaled up the huge tree. In the center, seemingly protected by intertwining branches and thorns,lay a massive blue gem.

The gem would pulse at intervals corresponding with the land. If something (like an animal or any kind of plant) was damaged or hurt, soft blue light would spring up in the form of orchids.

The flowers would be given the healing properties that the tree pocessed for a brief period of time. Attempts to harvest the healing plants have been deemed unsuccessful.

The adventurer was thrilled to make such a discovery and decided to settle her home there, to act as a guardian and caretaker for the tree.

The lone adventurer fears if the tree were to die, all life within a thousand mile radius would wither and decay, leaving nothing but a barren wasteland.

So yeah! I decided the huge tree I'm building next to my house in a flower forest biom should get some lore to it.

I got the idea for the tree from the Spirit Tree from Ori and Blind Forest.

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