The Woes of a Mother

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The great dragon of the End.

Some say she is a fearsome monster. Others say she rules with an iron claw. A few call her nothing short of bloodthirsty, slaughtering any who trespass in her dimension.

That couldn't be farther from the truth. The dragon was no monster, nor unholy creature. Quite the opposite.

She was a mother.

The dragon poked her egg, breathing a small puff of flame to warm it. She purred happily at her unborn child.

Her purple eyes danced with joy as her baby cooed softly in response.

The happy moment didn't last. There a cracking, tearing sound that reverberated across alien dimension.

Then came the sounds of footsteps, the dull roar that could only be accomplished by many creatures banded together.

Yet these were not animals. They were humans. Decked out in gleaming armor reminiscent of the gear found in the floating purple cities.

The mother leap to the skies, ready to protect her child like a mother should. She growled at the approaching battalion and shot a torrent of flames at them.

The group split apart, some rushing towards her with spears and swords held high, while others went for the floating crystals atop pillars of Obsidian.

Ignoring the band of people trying to distract her from the others seeking to destroy her life-giving crystals, the dragon roared in fury.

She landed on one of pillars, successfully swiping a number of men off it with her tail. However, that left the rest exposed, and multiple explosions were proof.

The dragon hissed and lept to the sky with an Earth-shattering roar. Red, sticky blood stained her claws as she fought back against the people who dare threaten her home.

The humans were winning, they destroyed her crystals, and she was tiring from the fighting. Purple blood steamed off her underside, where her soft scales lay unprotected.

It wasn't until she felt the cold metal of a sword slash into her neck did she realize she had lost.

The dragon fell to the spongy ground, her breathing coming in shallow huffs. She looked up to the humans dark faces, features twisted in sick excitement.

They left. She didn't know how long it had been. But not a whisper nor a scent could be found of the humans.

The dragon knew she time was up, she didn't have much longer left. So, she did the only thing she could. The dragon picked up her egg, the bumpy shell staying safely in her strong yet careful grip.

There was a portal just beneath her nest. It hasn't been there before, so it must've opened recently.

Carefully, the dragon placed the egg on the side of the bedrock pillar that supported her nest.

With the last of her strength, the dragon nudged her egg through the portal, hoping it would be safer there than here, without it's mother.

The dragon let out one final sigh, before her eyes drifted shut forever.

Might not have been that great but at least I managed to finish it! (Unlike some of the other things I started-)

This was based off the Youtube animated video "Dragon Lullaby."

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