Learn to live - MayaTheWatcher 400 special!

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Here we go!

This is for MayaTheWatcher and her 400 follower contest!

(Also, tw: Suicidal thoughts)

What fandom(s)?:

• Hermitcraft.



• None.

General time period?:

• Beginning of season 6.

What number entry: _2_

Brief description:

• Grian (a young Elytrian) runs away from his commune after he finds out about the leaders' sinister intentions. He is all alone for awhile, before being found by Mumbo (a Enderian). In the end, Grian finds a new home amongst the 'Hermits.' All seems like happily ever after...

Or is it?

Grian picked at the small feathers in his hair. Each one felt soft to the touch, like the special fabric used for blankets.

Maybe running from the commune wasn't a good idea. At least there, there were always people to protect it.

No, no. He'd made the right choice. The leaders there had their own corrupt ambitions. It wasn't safe anymore.

But that didn't stop him from missing them. His friends. The Evolutionists. A group of Origins that had banded together for safety.

How long had it been? 2 months? 3 months? Long enough to lose track. The days blended themselves together.

Grian curled up on the damp ground, letting the dew seep into his clothing. Freezing cold sliced through him, chilling him to his core.

Maybe if he stayed here long enough, he could leave this miserable plain of existence. It's not like anyone would miss him anyway. No, they were as good as dead.

They won't miss him.

They won't miss him.

They won't miss him.

They.. won't miss.. him....

Finally, sleep overtook him, and Grian found himself wishing this time would be the last.

The young Enderian didn't like the rain, for obvious reasons. But it was his turn to scout outside the territory, rain or shine.

Honestly, Mumbo hated this lifestyle. Constantly living in fear, having to move from place to place every year. His thin tail flicked nervously, an unconscious action that happened sometimes.

He'd run away from home at the ripe age of 7. Not like he had much of a choice. From where he was from, Enderlings, like Enderians and Shulks, were very uncommon. That's what put the poor kid in the danger zone.

He was found by two older kids, a Bumblebee origin named Xisuma, and his older brother, Evandor.

They were both orphans, and had been taken in by a kind human by the name of Generik. Since then, they'd been taking in stray Origins so they'd have a safe place to call home.

In his time, Mumbo met so many amazing people. Sure, a lot of Origins would leave as soon as they could take care of themselves, but a few stayed. There was Ren, a dramatic yet sweet Fox origin. Tango, a charismatic and goofy blaze origin. Cleo, a motherly but fierce Spider origin.

Mumbo concidered the ones who stayed his new family.

Back in the present, lightning cracked overhead. Mumbo fiddled with his raincoat, making sure it covered his skin.

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