EX's backstory

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You know, EX wasn't always the sweet alter you see today.

He was once a child, had a mum and dad, had friends.

That all changed the day he was killed.

You would've expected that to be the end of his story. No... dear reader, for it was just the beginning.

The young man's eyes shot open, revealing a vast void ahead.

"wha-wha-?" His voice was only a rough whisper, like if someone forced him to eat sandpaper.

Why was he here? Just a moment ago, he was with his friends, laughing together and hanging out.

Then, there was a bright flash followed by ringing, and now he was here.


Where is here?

It was just a blank white void. It disoriented the boy, making him stumble and fall.

There was no floor, so he just felt falling and falling. He tried to scream in panic, but no sound came out.

Eventually, he passed out, much too tired to care anymore.

You know, the last thing Xisuma thought he'd come across whilst exploring was a semi-translucent man laying in the grass a few meters away.

X ran up to him, and his hand went right through the guys shoulder. As far as X knew, no one had died on this server, at least not permanently.

Plus, this guy didn't look like any of the othet hermits. With silvery-white hair tied up in a ponytail, a red t-shirt, brown pants, plus back dress shoes, he was definitely an oddball.

The ghost stirred awake, his glowing white eyes staring into X's brown ones. He let out a small yell, and tried to push himself away. The ghost's breathing quickened as he backed away.

X remained still, not knowing what to do. He'd never had an encounter with a ghost or spirit, and just assumed they either went to heaven or the bad place.

He bent down, getting level with the frightened ghost. "Whoa, it's okay. Deep breaths. Can you tell me your name?"

Xisuma kept his tone soft, he might not be used to handling ghosts, but he did know how to help someone experiencing a panic attack.

The ghost mimicked X's pattern, feeling himself calm down. After a moment, he could speak.

"You asked for my name. The truth is, I can't remember it. All I can recall is that it starts with an 'E'."

Xisuma nodded along, taking in everything the ghost said. About how he remembered a bright light a ringing, about how he woke up in a white void, about ending up here.

X got to his feet as the ghost did. The ghost looked around at the forest, it's colors having more of a dull, grayscale to them.

"If you don't mind. I could give you a nickname. It's better than calling a you ghost, right?" Xisuma offered.

The ghost turned his head to him, an expression that can only be described as pure joy flashing across his face. "Yeah, I'd like that.." 

"Okay, than how about Ezekiel?" Xisuma said after a minute. The ghost nodded, gratefully accepting his new name.

And that was the day he became Ezekiel Void, brother to Xisuma Void.

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