The Creeper and the Enderman

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(In this au Doc stays on the server for story purposes)

It was a normal day on the Hermitcraft server. Well, besides the born amount of chaos that aleays existed there.

It was late season 7, and the hermits were scrambling to get their plans finished before they had to leave. A certain hermit however, was spending his time in the split house he and Bdubs co-owned.

So it was definitely a shock to the Creeper hybrid when he found a random kid unconscious in his area.

After saying a few words in German to himself, he messaged Xisuma about the boy.

Docm77: Hey X? Did you invite a new hermit? It's almost season 8 man.

XisumaVoid: Hang on, I'm on the way.

Way to not answer my question, X.

The Admin showed up rather quickly. X bent down next to the boy and used his scanner to check his vitals.

"Hmm. Heart rate's normal, blood levels are even, however I'm picking up some severe head trauma. It's like if someone took a hit to the back."

As tough as Doc made himself out to be, he gad a soft spot for kids. Maybe it was because he once had a son.

This Ender boy couldn't have been older than 11-12, as he was of average height for a young Enderman. He mainly knew these things thanks to Mumbo.

X was amazed ny how quick his old friend took to caring for the kid. X knew Doc used to have a family before he was taken, so perhaps this kid reminded him of his son.

When the kid did wake up after about two weeks of being unconscious, he claimed to not remember anything about his past. Not his Mom or Dad, where is home is, nothing. Only his name, Ranboo.

So, that was the day Ranboo became a hermit, and found a new family with them, and found a father figure in the one and only Doc.

The End.

Hi! Author here! Sorry it's so short. I did this because I wanted to write a Hermitcraft × Dream smp fic, and this is what I came up with! I hope you liked it!

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