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It's still there.

I can still see it.

Every time I close my eyes, or even blink, it's there.

Haunting me.

I can still taste it.

The awful sourness of stomach acid in my mouth.

No matter what I eat or drink, it won't go away.

I want to forget.





Why can't I?

The scent of iron, I'll never think of it the same after this.


I cough.

So much red.

Cough again.

It coats everything.

And again, but nothing comes up.

Please make it stop!

I can't.

Not again.


Please no.

No more.

Stop this.

The color red was so beautiful once, now all it brings is death and destruction.

I want to puke.

But I can't.

And I hate it.

I want this all to end, to maybe join my friends in whatever afterlife they're in.

And yet I'm too scared to even try.

I don't want to die, and yet I do at the same time.

It's so confusing.

They force this upon me.

To fight.

Against so many people. 

They are just like me, right?

They all lead their own lives, and have their friends and loved ones.

How cruel.

How cruel for them to die here, where no one will ever remember nor honor them.

They didn't even know their last goodbyes would even be their last.

I don't want to.

Please don't make me.

Not again.


I fight again.

It's against a hulking beast.

Different from the normal hybrids I fight.

They must want something really entertaining.

The beast attacks, shredding clipped feathers, tearing through flesh.

I scream.

I can't hear it.

I'm thrown to the ground.

I lie there.

I wait.

Can't hear.

Can't see.

I'm ready.

Please, answer my one prayer.

It is answered.



It can be decided who our protagonist is.

This was a thing I wrote all at once become of a spur of the moment inspiration thingy, I wasn't gonna waste it-

For context, this is an arena that forces hybrids to fight each other. Sometimes they'll throw in mobs to spice things up.

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