Stay by my side... (p1/?)

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3rd Life × Warrior Cats, anyone?

Parrotsong won. He'd concurred the death match he'd been dropped into.

He'd won, but at what cost? Losing the cats he'd grown quite fond of despite his attempts not to.

Flowercreek, Canarycall, Bean (he remembers laughing so hard when he introduced himself), and of course, the cat he had the most feelings for, Briarscar.

He missed intertwining tails as they spent together in the early days. He missed always keeping a close eye on the crippled cat, never letting him out of his sight. At the time, he'd told himself he was just looking out for his teammate.

He didn't want to look at the bloodstained body of his former friend and (mate) partner.

It came to a boiling point, and Parrotsong did the unthinkable. He threw himself off the sandstone cliff.

The hot sand rushed up quickly, far quicker than Parrotsong was ready for.

Parrotsong woke up somewhere different than the desert. Had he not died like he thought? Had he been rescued and taken somewhere else? But who? Everyone else was supposed to be dead.

Perhaps his old clan finally found them, and he was the last one still alive.

Parrotsong finally looked up. He was in a normal den, not like the warriors den back home, but different, smaller.

Fine-tuned hearing picked on pawsteps just outside and not a moment later, a tall brown furred cat appeared through the vines guarding the entrance.

Not just any brown furred cat, either. Even without his many scars and crippled back legs, Parrotsong would recognize him anywhere.

"Br-Briarscar?" The dark golden brown cat felt like his paws were lead. Forest green eyes crinkled affectionately.

"Actually, it's Briardawn. My clan wasn't the nicest after I got my life altering injury, so the leader re-named me." Briardawn's fluffy tail swished awkwardly, like he was unsure of what else to say.

Finally, Parrotsong was able to get to his paws. He stood and slowly exited the den with Briardawn.

A beautiful encampment greeted them, tall trees surrounding the camp on all sides, forming a barrier. Birdsong filled the trees, and Parrotsong could see small forms flitting through the branches.

"Am I dreaming? Where are we? Is this the Starclan I keep hearing of?"

A laugh that wasn't Briardawn's cut off his thoughts. "I suppose I can try answering some questions.."

A broad-shouldered tom appeared behind him. His tricolor pelt glimmered in the constant light, dazzling Parrotsong.

"I am Voidwish, or – I guess – Voidstar, as some of the other cats call me," His voice was soft, but with an edge of worry to it. "As for Starclan, that's not quite the case. Follow me, and I can explain everything."

Short chapter, but look who's back!

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