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It was a day like any other.

If you count Bdubs breaking into other Hermits' homes and demanding they attend the yearly Hub carnival normal.

Anyway, that's how 20 Hermits' got persuaded by a little goblin man. It was supposed to be a community event for fun and entertainment and obviously rigged games.

Each area had it's own thing going on.

• There was an animal area where people would show off their livestock.

• An art competition where people would compete to win a grand prize.

• Lots of fun rides for the thrill seekers among everyone.

• And a haunted hay ride that went around the entire fairgrounds.

The Hermits' all agreed to split off into different groups depending on who wanted to do what.

Group A consisted of Xisuma, Gem, Beef, Etho, Stress and Ren. They would be hanging out by the livestock area and getting food for everyone else.

Group B had Doc, Joe and Cleo, all of them really wanting the check out the art competition.

Group C was Grian, Pearl, False, Iskall and Tango. They were just itching to try out some of the newer rides.

Group D went to check out the haunted hay ride, they called themselves the brave ones, but we'll see about that. This group was the rest of the attending Hermits: Impulse, Zedaph, Scar, Cub, Jevin and XB.

Let's check in on them now.

"I dunno why they said it was scary. I mean, I haven't been frightened even once!"

"Famous last words Scar!" Cub joked, elbowing his friend in the ribs. The ride had only just started and already Scar was trying to act tough, we'll see how that plays out for him.

"Did anybody just see that??" Zed pointed off into the artificially created fog, but there wasn't anything there.

The brunet next to him laughed, clapping a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Already getting the spooks, aren't ya, Zed?"

"Yeah right, if I know anything able you, is that you'll be screaming your head off first!" Zedaph jabbed back. The two idiots decided to make a bet on who would get scared first. Impulse lost 10 emeralds that day.

Jevin and XB were mostly silent, taking the mostly cheap scares with straight faces, but they had to try really hard not to start cracking up with Scar gripped the person next to him for dear life, this being Zed.


Well, let's check up on our thrill seekers shall we?

Grian probably has rabies, nobody's going to question it. He's frothing at the mouth and vibrating. Don't make eye contact.

He's going to bite someone.

There's insane laughter coming from a Rollercoaster, I bet we can all guess who that is. I'll give you two hints, one's a unhinged moth woman and the other is a Blaze hybrid with a TnT problem.

Iskall has put Grian on a leash, I repeat, he has put him on a leash.

This is fun.

False is nowhere in sight.

Mmmmmmmm, food time?

The food's overpriced, what even is this?

It doesn't even taste that great. Honestly, if it was allowed, X would've just brought 20+ bagged lunches and called it a day.

Grian's on a leash. Iskall has the most stone cold neutral 'just another Wednesday' look on his face. Joe is being Joe.

This is like wrangling children. Oh gods above they want to come back for more, oh my gods no.

I think X might be having a minor mental breakdown.

Note to self, never take the Hermits somewhere public and expect them to not act like a bunch of freed mice. It will not end well.



It took an hour to get all the Hermits to leave.

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