Death and Rebirth - Tree of life lore

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Darkness, that's all I could see. A vast, empty plain. This was far from I'd been taught the afterlife was.

I'm still trying to process it, because it all happened so fast, I wasn't given a chance to react.

I was out adventuring, far from the tree, across an ocean. I wasn't alone, I had a friend, a parrot I'd named Jewel.

I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, and before I knew it, the ground was crumbling under my feet.

I remember falling, panicking, trying to grab anything that could help me, but it was too late. I hit the ground with a loud crack, and the last thing I heard was Jewel squawking and nudging my body.

What I wasn't aware of, however, were the Blue Orchids springing up from the cracked ground.

Blueish-white ligjt flooded my vision,  forcing me to open my eyes. At first, I couldn't see anything, but as my sight cleared I could see I was at the top of a huge tree.

A glowing crystal pulsed behind me and dimmed, happy it had it's protector back.

Did... did the tree revive me??

In the reflection of the crystal, I could see that I myself had changed too. 

What was once a normal orange jacket with a black t-shirt had been replaced with long greyish-blue robes, and a white sweater underneath to protect from the cold.

Adding to that, there were now markings in a language dotting the tops of my arms in a glowing light. My eyes looked like they'd been inverted, with the whites becoming a deep black and the iris and pupil merging into a dark blue color.

My ears had turned to sharp points and small fluffy white wings poked out from two slits. The tree had revived me, and in turn changed me as well.

I'm gonna have to get used to this.

Who would've thought I could create lore bases on me being a goof and walking into a ravine? Cause I certainly didn't.

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