Merry Christmas! A MCYT Crossover special!

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On a dark and cold night, the hermits huge bases lay and empty. The enormous moon stayed in the sky, bathing the land in an eerie glow.

Not that any of the hermits would notice. No, they were much too busy.

Joyous laughter and loud whoops of cheer could be heard for miles around. It was like this every year, because the hermits know how to throw one heck of a Christmas party!

Grian spun through the air, his large multi-colored wings catching the freezing air with ease. A whole wad of yellow tinsel fluttered as he wrapped it around the huge tree.

Zedaph, being the snowy owl hybrid he is, swooped in next to him and, with a bit of dramatic flair, placed the star on top. Grian grinned at his theatrics and stuck out his tongue.

Meanwhile on the ground, Gem and Stress were helping out Scar in cookie enough food for everyone. Scar looked like he was physically restraining himself from going after the Christmas cookies already set out.

But who could really blame him?

Just now arriving were some of their friends from other servers.

Lizzie, Shubble, FWhip, and Sausage from Empires SMP.

The whole Krew from KrewCraft.

BigB, Skizz, and InTheLittleWood or Martyn visiting from their own worlds.

And of course, The Bench Trio from the Dream SMP.

It was so good be able to meet up with them all, and especially good to see Tommy's eyes light up at the sight of Mumbo Jumbo, whome of which he tackle-hugged.

Mumbo, of course, was surprised by the teen's sudden gesture, but returned the bear hug anyway.

Rainbow and Draco practically pounced on the table serving desserts and other food stuffs.

Martyn was having a grand old time playing party games with Skizz and Pearl.

The night was going great, everyone was having so much fun. Decorating cookies, playing party games, even a little bit of truth or dare (literal teenagers these guys are-).

It was so fun meeting up again with old friends and/or acquaintances.

There's your random Christmas themed one-shot using all my favorite You- tubers!

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