Character files for my Dream smp story-

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Drista Wastaken (our protagonist here!)

Age: 14 - 15

Height: 5'4

Race: Pseudo Watcher (A human or any other being that has been taken, and made into a Watcher. Grian is an example of this.)

Magical skill: 4/10. Still has quite a bit to learn.

Type of magic: Summoning (I felt this made much more sense with her), can create objects out of thin air. Has a hard time controlling it.


• Dark grey shirt.

• Forest green cloak that goes to her back.

• Porcelain mask with a smiley face on it.

• Blue jean pants.

• Brown fingerless gloves.

• Black combat boots.

• Eye of Ender attached to a thin chain.


• Emerald green eyes.

•✨Freckles✨ (I'm not sorry-).

• Fair skin.

• Fluffy lavender wings (she hates the color though).

Other things:

• She hates the feeling of being trapped in any way, shape, or form.

• Has an Iron sword given to her by her brother, it has her name in Galactic written in the wood.

• Doesn't actually know how to fly


Dream Wastaken (He won't be around much in the first half, but he'll make his appearance eventually).

Age: 20 - 21

Height: 6'2 (I don't actually know his real height and at this point I'm too tired too look it up-)

Race: Pseudo Watcher

Magical skill: 7/10. Not the best, but still better than his sister.

Type of magic: Shapeshifting. He can transform into a plethora of different animals. However, it can hurt him greatly, leaving scars, cracked skin, and bruising.


• Green long sleeved sweater,

• Black combat like his sister,

• Brown leggings,

• Grey cloak that brushes his ankles,

• Has two brackets, one has a fire charm and the other a clout goggles charm.


• Sparkly green eyes,

• ✨Freckles✨ (why? Because, yes-),

• Fair skin,

• Scars and stretch marks from failed escape attempts,

• Twin scars on his back where his wings used to be.

Other things:

• Constantly blames himself for what happened.

• Often has dreams about what life would be like if he had done things differently.

• Was taken (unintentional pun time-) and replaced by a demon he calls "Nightmare."

• During his time in captivity, he'd play with the charms on his bracelet and think about what his friends were doing at the moment.

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