Chapter 18

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Summer's P.O.V. ( picture is Summer's mother)


"Summer! Hunny! Time to come inside" My mother, Lana , called from inside .

I stopped swinging and groaned.

"Five more minutes mommy!" My five year old self called.

Hearing nothing from the house, I assumed that she agreed.

Hopping off of the swing set, I walked to the sidewalk.

I spotted Uncle Merle and Daddy walking up to me.

"Hey little Dixon !" Uncle Merle called. Him and Daddy soon appeared in front of me.

Mommy ran out and hugged daddy.

I giggled cause they were adorable .

"Hey large Dixon!" I giggled at Uncle Merle. The big, tough guy came up and we high fived.

"Is that a fixed tricycle I see?" Daddy and Mommy came over , holding hands.

"Yeah. Fixed it all by myself!" My accent had been a lot thicker when I was younger.

"I'll go get it," I smiled and ran over to the far part of the yard. My long sundress twirled in the breeze.

The breeze was cool on my skin. The sound of mommy's sweet laugh rang through my ears then, causing the laughter to fill my ears.

I grabbed my tricycle and wheeled it back to my family so I could continue to hear mommy laugh.

Then the air was filled with her scream .

"Mommy?" I yelled.

I left my trike at the spot and ran over to where I had left Mommy, Daddy, and Uncle Merle.

There, standing in the yard , was a walker. There were four , actually. Tow were chewing on Mommy, one was eating Daddy, the other tearing apart Uncle Merle.

"NO! "I screamed , running over .

Trying to save mommy, the walker grabbed my hand and took a bite. The other three circled me and everything went black.

End of dream

"Summer! Summer !! Wake up! " A voice called .

"Huh?!" My eyes shot open quickly as I sat up.

Mika and Lizzie , along with Amy, Maggie, Carl, Beth, and Hershel stood there. I stood up suddenly.

"You were screaming and crying in your sleep and you wouldn't wake up." Lizzie whispered.

"How long was I out?" My voice felt soft, like velvet.

"T-T-Two days," Amy stuttered.

Beth added, " We didn't think you'd wake up."

"All you did was cry and scream and sometimes laugh," Maggie rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"You could me dehydrated. C'mon. Let's get you some water, " Hershel helped me up and together , we walked out of the room.

Dad's eyes light up when he saw me.

In seconds , his strong , muscular arms were wrapped around my small body.

"I'm alright. I'm okay," I whispered to him.

"Daryl, I'm sorry to interrupt , but she needs water before she collapses," Hershel cleared his throat .

Dad grunted but let go.

Quietly, I sat down at the bench and let Hershel hand me a water bottle .

I drank it quickly , thirsty as all heck.

Carl came running up to me, sitting down.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" His deep voice spoke in my ear.

"I honesty don't know."

Sighing, he kissed my forehead . We held hands for awhile until Mika ran up.

"Summer , I found this under your pillow when I was changing your sheets." Before I could protest her changing my sheets for me, she held out a photo .

Carefully as to not rip or bend it, I took it in my hands.

It was a picture of my mother .

"Thank you, Mika," I smiled at her.

She nodded and skipped off .

Dad sat on the other side of me, staring down at the picture.

"Did ye' dream about her?" He mumbled.


"I know you miss her. I do too," He pulled me closer  and kissed my forehead .

"It's gonna be okay. We'll see her again someday," A tear fell, and I wiped it away.

"I hope ye' are right , little Dixon . I hope ye' at right."

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