Chapter 2

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Summer's P.O.V.

When I opened my eyes in the morning , Daddy wasn't there. Figuring he was just out helping Rick and Shane , I pulled on my cowgirl boots. As I zipped open the tent, I heard voice. Before I stepped out , I found a small mirror ( that would easily fit in my boots) on the ground and looked in it. My braid was still tight but my hair was a but messy. I pulled a compact brush out of my boot and took my braid out, slipping the elastic around my wrist.

My legs buckled and I found used cross-legged on the ground . "Careful. " Sophia's voice found my ears. "Oh. Hey!" I smiled at her, and began brushing out my hair. "Um, here . Mommy has this extra bag and thought you might want it to put your stuff in..."She handed a backpack to me. "Thanks, Soph" I grinned at her and took the bag. Quickly, I tied my braid in , just like mommy would do it.

Then I took of my boots and dumped some stuff into the black backpack. Looking up, I saw Sophia was still there, watching my intently . In the bag, there was the mirror, my compact brush, a photo of my mom and me and my dad, a picture of my cat , Peanut Butter, some hair ties , chapstick, a little plush kitten, and my iPhone . I didn't know if it still worked it I had it in there anyway. These are the thing I grabbed from the house when I left. I was in a hurry to find some LIVE people .

Oh, and I suppose you don't know what I'm wearing . Im wearing a white dress, that had some blood stains on it from when I had to kill walkers, and the hem of it had some dirt splattered on it. It was the only thing I had time to slip on. My hand quickly zipped up the bag and I followed Sophia out to the campfire.

Andrea talking to Amy, who was crying . I didn't know why, until I saw a bunch of dead people , and walkers . One person was devoured almost completely . Carol , Carl, Lori, and Dale were crying as well, the women sobbing . Dad ,Rick, Jim,and Shane were working on burning the bodies and putting them in the ground . "What happened?" I asked when I arrived to the people . " Walkers got into the camp last night. Many people died. Daddy was the the only one that really deserved it" Sophia whispered the last part so as to not make Carol weep harder . Glenn walked out of his tent and over to the bodies , saying something to the men. "Thank you for the bag, Carol. And I'm sorry for your loss"

Ok. So I lied about being sorry for her loss. Ed was just plain stupid and he hurt her many times. So he deserved what he got, as Sophia said. Carl wiped his eyes. Lori patted him , also wiping her eyes. "Carol, I think they need you to , um, put an axe through your husbands head. To make sure he's dead " Lori whispered . My black handled axe was leaning against a log. I handed it to her when she stood up. "Here. Use mine " I half-smiled. She took it , kindly smiling at me. She walked over to Ed's dead body and began hitting his head with my axe.

"Lets just relax for a little bit. " Lori suggested . We watched the boys burn and bury the bodies . Finally,Carol joined us again and the men were done . Dale had helped some, but he was too bust comforting Amy. It was sad to say, but I liked Amy better than Andrea. Amy was sweet and kind and relatable . Andrea was often grumpy and she didn't really get any jokes or anything anybody said.

"Daddy, Carol gave me a backpack to use!" I grinned at my dad when he was down by the water . "Thas' cool, Summer. " He didn't look up from the water. By now, I had my axe back. I was rinsing it in the lake. "Whatcha thinkin 'bout?" My father turned to me. When I was younger , he always knew something was wrong before I knew it myself. My mother on the other hand, knew everything about me before I even told her.

"Just thinkin' about mom . And Peanut Butter. Our cat" I laughed slightly , pulling my weapon out of the water. "Tha' cat was hilarious . He always had a funny meow" Dad said, chuckling . "Yea. I had a little plush toy made for him. It looks just like him in every way. Actually, I have a picture of him and the toy on my backpack ." I said, walking away. He followed. "Summer, Rick ,Shane, Glenn and I are goin' to the city tommorow . 'Won't be back for a few days" That stopped me in my tracks. "Wha'? No!!!!" My voice carried across the camp . Now everyone was looking at us. "It'll be fine" Dad assured me. Or tried to , at least . "I already lost Peanut Butter and Mom! I'm not losing you too!" I didn't shout this time, but my voice was still fairly loud. " We'll all be fine, darlin. Don' worry 'bout me" My dad awkwardly pulled me into a hug . I hugged back, shaking. "He picked me up bridal style , again, and cartels me back to camp. I sat next to him, eating some canned ravioli while the men talked about the plan for the next day. Lori and Carl struggled with the fact that they were leaving too. We all were, since they were pretty much our only protection .


So I hope you like it!!! This story isn't even that good, and I'm aware if that. But thank you if you read this and/ or vote!!!

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