Chapter 6

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Summer's P.O.V.

"Summer, Sum. Wake up!!" Dad was shaking me awake. I let a groan. "Why?"

"Cause we are leaving camp . Lets go. Get your stuff " He grumbled and left the tent. Sighing, I got up , changed into some clothes Amy gave me, and brushed my hair and redid my braid. The outfit I had on was a black tshirt and some really cool leggings that were comfortable but tight.  Pulling on my boots, I slung my backpack on and pulled my axe alone with me.

Everyone was loading themselves into cars and vehicles . There was a four wheeler sitting by Dad's motorcycle. Carl was on the back , sitting with his knife and gun. There was a rack to hold onto and he was grasping it. "Hey, who's driving this?" I asked Carl. "Dale found it earlier this morning and filled it with gas. He said it was for you" He grinned. "Sweet! Do your parents care if you ride on it ?"

"Nah. And Sophia's gonna ride on it too" He frowned . "Cool! Soph!!" I waved her over . She ran over and climbed on the fourwheeler. "Ok, hold one" I warned as I saw Dad start up his bike. The other cars were started as well.

"Wait" Sophia smiled an got on the front of it.she had a knife in her hand, which I taught her to use . There was a metal thing in front of the fourwheelr,and it was for hauling stuff. "Ok" She grinned. Dad looked at me. "Be careful Sum!" He yelled over the engine . All I did was nod and start the fourwheeler.

My axe was shoved into my backpack and it was secured into it. Dad started driving and I followed, then the vehicles started following. Willingly, I passed Dad and we the three of us waved at him , smirking . He grunted and tried to catch up but he couldn't .

"Shouldn't we go back?!" Carl yelled when we weren't within their eyesight . "Nope.We can take care of ourselves!!" I yelled back . Glancing back at him, I saw him beaming at me in pride . As I turned my head back around, I saw two girls running our way. They were both blonde , but not bleach blonde . They were clearly sisters and they looked about my age. About five or six walkers were chains them.

Suddenly, I pulled the fourwheeler off to the side of the road and shut it off. I grabbed my axe from my bag and hopped off the fourwheeler ,Sophia and Carl following. "Stay behind us" I demanded, then began swinging my axe at the walkers. Carl began shooting , and finally Dad and the rest of the group showed up, shutting off the vehicles , Sophia launched herself at a walker piling we her knife into it. I high fived her and watched as Carl finished off the last walker .

"Hi.Im Summer. This is Carl, and Sophia. " Offering my hand to them, they shook it and looked like they were gonna cry. "Whats wrong?" Sophia asked. "Our parents were just ...e-eaten " The young one stuttered . "Im so sorry for your loss" My voice was quiet . "Nuh uh,Mika. The sick people just , they just got them sick" The older one explained . "This is my sister, Mika.Im Lizzie" the older one smiled . "The sick people ?" Carl mumbled . "Yea. Those people you just killed" Lizzie looked down at the ground .

"Those aren't people . They are walkers. They eat people. Just like they ate your parents . They may be sick, but they aren't people " Carl's voice was solid and not weak when he said this. Lori pulled him into an embrace. Dad came over with his crossbow and put his hand in my shoulder while Rick and Shane and Amy talked to Lizzie and Mika.

"Why'd ye' help them? We can't feed them" He grunted. "Yes we can. And I helped them because I couldn't just leave them there to die . They would've gotten bit and two people already got but and died because of me" Then I snatched my shoulder away.

"Summer!! Guess what!" Mika skipped over to me, Lizzie following . "What?" I smiled back. "We can stay! Rick said it was ok!" Lizzie beamed . "So you know everyone's name?"

"Yep!!! Oh, and can we ride with you three on the fourwheeler ?" Mika added. "I don't see why not. There is plenty of room up there with Sophia, if you don't mind, Soph?" I turned to my best friend. "Not at all. Lets go" She said and lead the sisters to the front with her . Carl walked over to me and I saw people getting back in vehicles and Dad climbed on his bike, staring at me.

"Ready? Dad and Shane agreed that we could lead " He grimes and took my hand. By now, I knew everyone was watching . Then, as if Carl knew, he kissed my forehead quickly and got on the fourwheeler . All I did was gently pull my hands away and smile at him. I started up the fourwheeler and i immediately drove it down the road, the others following . Dad was glaring at Carl, so Carl tried around and was looking straight ahead.

While i drove, I had this good feeling that wherever we were headed , it was gonna be safe. But then again, nowhere was ever gonna be safe again .

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