Chapter 14

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I shot out of bed, running down the stairs. "Dad! Dad!" I yelled nervously.

Dad met me in the dining room . He was siting at the table with the men .

"Sophia ... She went to the barn earlier and never came back ," I stood there , trying to calm down.

Hershel looked at me, and sighed .

"She probably fell asleep . We'll get her in the morning," Rick assured me.

"No, you don't understand!" I pleaded.

"There are walkers in the barn." Glenn blurted , which sent the guys with wide eyes.

Everyone saw my frustration , and began to shuffle around the house .

"We can't go now, that'll only attract more walkers. We'll go in the morning," Rick pinched the bridge of his nose . Carl walked in, assisted by Lori. I turned away and stomped out. He didn't care about Sophia much as I did. He didn't know her as long.

A few seconds later, I heard Hershel raise his voice . " They are sick people , I can cure them!"

"There is no cure. They are reanimated corpses. They aren't coming back ," Dale's voice appeared . Without thinking , I ran back in.

"There's something else , too. Sophia went because she thought she saw Shane as a walker. I don't know if it's true or not ," I shrieked.

Rick's eyes widened , and some of the women who had walked in gasped. It was a messy cycle of panic , then worry, then panic again . I hated living like this, but I had no choice. That's just the ways things are.

Beth walked over and pulled me into a hug. I had to admit, having a hug from an older female was something I missed, only because I miss my mother. Besides, Beth smelt good and, she was comforting me. I should just be nice and let her hug me.

After all, I wouldn't be getting anymore comfort for a very long time.


After a long, sleepless night, I was finally able to leave the house . First, I raced to the barn, where most of the group assembled. There were panicked faces from the women , and nervous expressions from the men.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked , "SOPHIA!"

All I heard we growling inside of the barn. Hmph.

Since nobody moved except to ready their weapons, I began smashing the board , that was holding the barn door shut , with my axe. Finally ,it opened and I ran back behind Dad. One by one , the walkers poured out. One by one , the shots rang out . Beth and Maggie sobbed loudly when their " mother " walked out .

Shane's corpse stumbled out next, which earned a shot in the head from Rick.

Then there was silence . I didn't see any more walkers , and I ran a hand through my hair in frustration . Rick turned to the group .

"We'll find her. I promi-" Rick was cut off by my scream.

There, in the barn doorway, stood my best friend . She had rotted flesh , gray eyes, a large bite mark on the shoulder , and her hair and clothes were dirty.


I whispered something I didn't even hear. Next thing I know, my feet were carrying me towards Sophia. Dad tried to grab me, but it was too late .

I wrapped my pale arms around Sophia, glad to have her back. She was still alive .

But then my world fell apart again. A gun shot rang out, and Sophia's body went limp. She fell, and I fell with her . Between her eyes, was a bullet hole .

"NOOOOOOOO!" My voice cracked as I sobbed . I untangled myself from Sophia and held her hand gently . She was dead... I just got her back and she was gone again.

I heard a walker and Beth's screaming sobs. Her mother wasn't fully dead, but Rick put her out again. Beth was taken inside the house. Our group looked at me, some crying, some looking sorry. Lori turned Carl away and helped him back to the house . Dale , Amy, and T-Dog went back to the RV for some quiet, followed by a quiet , sad Lizzie and Mika. Soon, it was just me and Dad.

He walked over slowly , placing a hand on my shoulder .

"Ye okay?" He mumbled quietly.

I shook my head. There was no use in lying to him. I wasn't fine at all.

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