Chapter 31

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Hey guys! I just wanted to say that this is probably going to be the last chapter of this story!! However , there might just be a sequel ... Hehe. Enjoy !

Daryl's P.O.V.

There was nowhere for us to go. Just endless roads and endless woods . Every place we thought of was a dead end .

I watched as Summer slowly faded away from everyone . She was quieter, more distant , and less willing to protect herself . She wanted to die.

It came to my mind that she didn't want to die because of the world we were living in , but because of what it took from her, such as her mother and her friends . She hated anything that required killing people , unless it was to protect the group.

She had killed people to defend the group. She took out the governor and she avenged Amy . My daughter's strength can only go so far. She's lost a lot of people in her life and fights every day to keep those that she has now from ending up like the others.

Summer's P.O.V.

*Days later*

We've been driving the same boring road for days. In different vehicles , of course, because they have run out of gas. The vehicle Sunny's body was in is long gone by now. We didn't have time to bury her properly because we had to trade vehicles quickly . Walkers had become a problem on that part of the trip, but now the amounts are scarce. I'm afraid if we stop, a whole herd will gather up and attack us .

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Rick yelled in anger as he hit the dashboard of the current car we (Beth, Rick, me, Carl, Judith, and Dad) were in . The car came to a complete stop and he hit the dashboard again . It had dented slightly by this point .

I said nothing at all, just watching intently . You could say that I've gone mute . I have. Sunny's death made me lose all desire to speak . What what I supposed to say?

The whole group knew that I had gone mute . Nobody questioned it , though. They let me be.

"What the hell, Dad?" Carl spoke loudly at his father, eyeing the dented dashboard .

"Watch your mouth, boy !" Rick retorted .

Dad grumbled to himself about something or other .

"Rick, calm down . We'll survive . You gotta have hope," Beth pleaded, " If there is any left for us."

Great. Even Beth was losing hope . That means we are all truly and utterly fucked.


Walking sucks. Endless, dead, desolate roads.
Corpses lay everywhere, and walkers roam around freely . This is their shitty world now. That's more than alright now, because they can have it .

I considered just ending my life , but like my previous attempts at suicide , I'll just be saved again.

Abraham spoke up, amongst the dead silence . ( Pun intended.) "Rick, we've been walking all day man. C'mon, we all need water."

Rick shrugged off Abraham's remarks and kept walking . The rest of us pretended not to notice as we slumped along .

Carl stood by me, and Dad was carrying Beth in a piggy back ride . I held Judith quietly , cradling her as best as I could .

"Rick, COME ON." Greeeat. Abraham's anger suddenly got the best of him, and he sent his large fist flying at Rick's face.

Of course, our leader caught the larger mans fist, pushing him back. The two met began angrily throwing punches and kicks at each other. The group crowded around them , trying to break it up .

I stood back with Beth and Maggie, who offered to take the child. I didn't disagree, I let them take her.

Sighing , I did nothing but let the two men fight . Until Abraham pulled a knife on Rick.

I got into attack mode quickly , and pulled out my small pistol . Then, I pushed past Glenn, Tyreese, and Sasha. I aimed my gun at Abraham's skull, my finger getting ready to pull the trigger . Both men froze . I saw the look in the red heads eyes. He was serious about shooting Rick. He had gone nuts. Even Rosita saw it .

"I'll do it . I will shoot you, unless you drop your weapon," I threatened. I was surprised that I spoke aloud , but I was serious . I would not hesitate to put a bullet through Abraham's head .

"Back up , little girl, before I do something I regret."

"You already have done something to regret . You messed with my family," I sighed without emotion , pulling the trigger .

His body fell , making a loud noise in return.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter . It was only a filler , sorry about that. It took so long because I have a bit of writers block. Enjoy! Comment if you liked it! I really appreciate support!

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