Daughter of a Dixon

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Ok. This is a story about the daughter of Daryl Dixon. It takes place in Season 1. Then it will continue till season 4. I'm gonna be jumping through the seasons , and I won't quote a lot of things . Willow Shields is my model for Summer (Daryl's daughter ) so please keep that in mind.Enjoy!



Summer's P.O.V

Keep walking . Thats all you need to do. Keep walking .

I heard the voices and smelt the campfire 'fore I even got there. There was a camp there, and I need to get there. As I carried my axe in my hand, I left the blade drag on the ground . Just so they knew I wasn't one if those...things.

"Guys. Do you hear that?" A man's voice sounded as I got closer . I peeked my small head out if the trees and saw a clearing with a fairly big camp in it. There were people, vehicles , and tents spread all through it. A thin line of string held soda cans on it.It was lining the camp . ducking under it, I came into view. "Rick! Look" A kinda pretty women gasped , pulling a brown haired boy closer. Many of the women pulled their loved ones closer . Everyone but a redneck -looking man.

He reminded me of my father, who left wen I was eight. Im 12 now. Anways, he left because my mom was cheating on him. They weren't married , but they still had a child. My mother, Lana, ( like Lana del Rey , same pronunciation ), was very pretty and lovable .

She cheated on him for a reason. That reason was that, she was told by Uncle Merle that Daddy was gonna leave her, so she avoided the pain by hurting him. She didn't even like Jeremy, he was really mean to me, and not the least bit caring for my mom. He wasn't abusive towards her, he just didn't care about her.

Daddy didn't know that she still loved him. But she died , as well as Jeremy. Daddy never got a new girlfriend or anything .He just left . The outbreak just started a few days ago. I survived , somehow. Teaching myself to survive was how I am still here. If only Mommy was lucky too.

I snapped out of my slight daze and saw everyone staring at me and my axe. Then it hit me.

"Daddy ? "I gasped , staring at the redneck man with a crossbow.

"Summer?" He asked, the same surprise in his voice.

He looked alarmed to see me. But overall, happy.

I hugged him , dropping my axe. "Where is your mother?" He half-smiled. "Dead. So is Jeremy " Tears were threatening my eyes. He hugged me again. "Daryl, you didn't tell us you had a daughter" The man ( Rick), nodded at me, smiling .

"It didn' matter what I told 'ya. I thought she was dead" My father looked at me. "Hi, I'm Summer. 'S nice to meet you sir" Oh, did I mention that i kinda have a southern accent, like Daddy?

"Nice to meet you too, Summer. Let me introduce you the to group. Oh, and by the way, you are welcome to stay" Rick smiled , and began introducing these new people to me.

This was just the introduction , don't worry.

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