Chapter 11

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After awhile, we had managed to find the trail that led to the farm Lori was taken to. Moslty everyone was silent, except Amy who was talking to us girls. Dad lead the way, him being a tracker and all.

Leaving the conversation , I jogged up to where dad was. "Dad, I had to "

"I ain't mad ,Summer. I understand " His eyes didn't meet mine. It was getting dark and we didn't have time to waste. "I'm not weak . I share a burden of my own. Sometimes, my mind lets me do whatever I want, whether its right or wrong. "

"Sum, I said I ain't mad. '' His voice was a little terrifying , so I let him walk ahead of me and joined the others again. "Hey, are you ok?" Lizzie asked, seeing my sad expression. "Yeah I'm fine " I assured her. But the gesture was more for me than her.

"I see it! There's the farm! " Amy cheered, then Mika added, " there's Rick and Lori and Glenn! "

Amy ,Lizzie,Mika,and Sophia began sprinting towards the farmhouse. I met up with dad. "I'm gonna go see how Carl is, kay?" I grinned . He just stared at me. "Be careful" Then he walked a little faster . Takin off, I ran towards the small little house excitedly .

At the door, I was met by a worried looking Shane. "What's wrong with you ?" I mumbled , not really caring . "Nuttin'" He shrugged me off and pushed past me. As always , I was lookin for trouble so I pushed him down the stairs . "What wus that for?" He yelled at me. Smirking, I leaped onto him, and slapped his face . Then it all turned bad.

He brought his big sweaty fist up and collided it with my cheek, then mouth . My body fell next to him . My vision was starting I get blurry as I saw Dad running at Shane, picking him up by the neck of his shirt . Lori yelled for a man named Hershel , and Amy was picking me up.

Then, I was sure I was dead .


My eyes didn't immediately open, but I was able to lift my eyelids and see yen surroundings. I was in a white room, and there was sun peeking in the window. Sitting up, I looked for someone in the room. Daddy sat in a rocking chair .

"Hey" I smiled at him . It was now that I realized my lips hurt, and so did my eye. "Dammit that hurts" my hand shot up and gently rubbed my wounds. "Watch yer' mouth girl" My father scolded , but I rolled my eyes. "How long was I out?"

" Since last night. It's 'bout noon now, I think"

"Oh. How's Carl?" But he didn't respond . "Is he ...dead?" My mind shuddered . "Nah. I just don't know how 'e is"

Sighing , I got up. "Wheres my bag?" I asked, looking for my stuff. "In there. Hershel said yer' allowed to use it " He said, pointing to a little door in the corner of the room. "Kay thanks" I nodded and walked to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

Sure enough , my backpack was by the toilet, all my contents in it. Slowly , I pulled out my brush and let my hair down . Peeking in the mirror above the sink, and I gasped . My eyes had a large cut directly below it, and my lip has a bigger shred in it. Shane had hit me in the exact same place Ed had hit me back at the camp.

And one thing I noticed about Shane was that he had shaved his head . Nobody else may have noticed , but I knew something had happened. Sighing , I took to small pieces of hair from each side if my head and tied them together to the back of my head with an elastic . It turned out pretty good, actually . My dress was getting very hot, so I pulled a pair of skinny blue jeans , and a batman logo tshirt Dad has found me . He was the one who bound me all my new clothes , either that or Amy.

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