Chapter 40

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Summer's P.O.V

My side hurt, my eyes felt heavy , and I was in a cold , concrete room. Alone.

It's been hours , and nobody has entered this room.

"At least the group is safe," I mumbled to myself , rubbing my eyes . My bag full if my things is gone , which is unfortunate . I have no way of getting out of here now.

My gun..

I tilted my head down, searching for what I wanted . My gun was safely tucked into my belt , my shirt covering it very well.

Just as I was about to reach for it , the door slammed open.

Fearfully , I looked up. A man stood there , his messy brown hair wet from sweat. A 'W' was ok his forehead , and I knew immediately he wasn't looking to kill me yet . He just wanted to talk.

"What's your name ?" The man asked carefully , crouching down near me and where I was propped against the wall.

"Where's my stuff?" I asked in the same gentle tone he used .

His green eyes seemed to smile at me, but his face did not .

"We left it where we took you. Hopefully that group of yours finds their way here . We need fresh blood," He sneered, then added, " What's your name?"

I hesitated , but then realized it didn't matter if I told him my name . Nobody would find me from the group , so he didn't even need the information .

"Summer. What's yours?" I asked him with caution , as if I were speaking to a bomb. For all I knew , I was .

"Danny." The man replied , shaking his head . "You are different . Strong girl, but you just don't care, do you ? Once we get that group of yours lured here, we will kill them all AND you. Why give up what you have?"

"I'm not giving up anything . If you want them, go get them." I was teasing him. Maybe if I led them to their deaths, I'd escape.

I have an idea.

"Where are they? Do you know?" Danny questioned me with uncertainty , like he didn't  know if I was going to freak out on him or not . Lucky for him, I had something better in store for him.

"Why should I tell you ? I'm just gonna die either way, Danny."

He raised an eyebrow at me , and I knew right away that I had him where I wanted him .

"Maybe you don't have to die . I'll make you an offer-" I cut him off.

"No. I'm not making any deals with you." I let out a huff , and then I looked down.

Danny sighed , looking at me. He placed his hands on my shoulders . They were bloody, and now so was my jacket.

"Listen to me, Summer. If you tell me where they are , you can leave , alive and unharmed. You don't have to die . Just tell me ." His breath smelt of .... fresh meat .

Summer, they'll die if you give them up. Don't do it . You love them.

Tell him they are going to Alexandria ! The Wolves will die if they go back there, it's infested with walkers! Just do it.

No! You can't even give him a single detail about where they are , whether they are really there or not !

"They are in their way back to Alexandria," I sighed , rubbing my eyes again .

"Why did you all leave in the first place?" Danny blinked , removing his hands away from my shoulders . I rubbed them because his grasp had been rough.

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