Chapter 4

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Summer's P.O.V.

As were were playing , I noticed something . When Carl was it , he only came after me. Which made Sophia quit, and I quit too.

"Wanna relax for a bit? It's so pretty out here !' I grinned. They both agreed .

So there we say for a good ten minutes. It was silent , until I heard Dale gasp. The whole group looked at him. Thats when I saw it. A fair sized group of walkers was heading towards camp . "Kids!" Shane yelled. "Go!" I yelled at Sophia and Carl. "No! we can't leave you!"Sophia cried. "Just go! I have my axe and I know how to use it !! Don't worry!!"

Hesitantly , they both ran back to their mother's arms. Shane, Jim, Andrea, and Dale got out guns and aimed them and began shooting .

Swing .

Two walkers down.


Another walker down.


Got it.

Carol rushed out to help me, thought she didn't have a weapon. She stood in front of me."Carol! It's not safe!" I yelled over the sound of gunfire . "I have to help you," She said, pushing a walker away. "No!!"

But it was too late. A walker had taken a bite out of her shoulder . "Mommy!!" Sophia cried loudly, and there were cries from camp .

I gently pushed Carol out of the way and began viciously killing the walker that bit her. There were about ten more walkers left. Andrea rushed out, leaning next to Carol as I swung my axe. Shane had moved out and helped me. His gun was shooting like crazy.

Then, without warning , a walker slipped past us and began knawing on Andrea's arm.

That did it. The camp was sobbing , and Amy ran out to her sister. Killing the walker , I saw that Shane had finished the last of the walkers . "Amy I'm sorry. I tried to save Carol," Andrea groaned . "Its not your fault . It's nobody's fault." Amy replied .

"Carol. You didn't have to help me! And you didn't have a weapon. It's my fault you got bit," Now I was sobbing too. "No. Summer, it's my fault. " She breathed deeply through her nose. "Mommy, I love you. Have a good time in Heaven, " Sophia was suddenly next to her dying mother .

"I love you too sweety. See you in Heaven. Hopefully not soon. I want you to have a good life " She sobbed . They exchanged a hug and kiss and we were all pulled away from the two dying girls.

I didn't notice Amy and Andrea saying their goodbyes .

Shane said, " You two were strong. We will miss you deeply. Rest in Peace," Then two gunshots rang out, and more crying was released into the humid Georgia air.


That night at the fire , Dale, Amy, Sophia, and Jaqui didn't say a word. Lori held on the Carl extra tight, and Carl held my hand. He knew I was distressed and blaming myself.

"It's not your fault , Summer," Shane reminded me. "Yes it is. If I would've just pushed her away.... I coulda done somethin" Now I was weeping quietly . And I rarely ever cried.

"No.Stop blaming yourself. You are 12!! And you could've got killed !!! "Carl tightened his grip on me slightly . "Nobody's mad at you, sweetie . All I want to know is, why did you stay out there?" Amy spoke up.

" Because I... I.... I didn't want anyone's life put in danger. Like Sophia, Carl, Lori, Carol,Amy, Jaqui. All of you without weapons. And here we are, two people dead. Because of me..." I whispered , trailing off.


That night , Sophia and Carl insisted on sleeping in the same tent with me. The three of us slept in Sophia's tent. Carl fell asleep quickly , and Sophia cried into my shoulder. Since I was in the middle of them, I endured her hot tears on my shoulder .

"Soph..Sophia... She's in Heaven now. Shes ok, and you will be too. I promise,"

She sniffed up her tears and rolled off my shoulder . Darkness rolled in and I fell asleep .


The next afternoon, I found myself at the graves with Carl. Sophia stayed with Lori and Amy, who both were washing clothes down by the water. This past morning , Shane taught Carl how to shoot a gun and I taught him how to use a knife . Lori didn't mind , as long as she knew he could defend himself . Shane, Jim, and Dale were discussing something about the past, and Jaqui was silently washing dishes.

"Summer," Carl's voice broke my thoughts. "Y-yea?" My southern accent was thick today, but I stuttered.

"This may be really, um, bad timing, but uh, I REALLY like you. Almost love, I think. Will you , um, be my girlfriend ?" He looked me right in the eyes when he said it. Which made me blush. "Of course I will, Carl."

"Yay!" We high fived . "Is it ok if we don't tell my dad? He will totally freak if he finds out," I laughed .

"How about we don't tell anyone? Since we both know nobody than keep secrets in this group. Except Dale. " He smiled.

"Not even Sophia?"

"Well, no. Plus, it will only hurt her more to see us happy when she's so sad,"

"I agree. So do we, uh, hold hands 'n' stuff?"

"If you want, then yes. And maybe kisses on the cheek " He laughed and kissed my cheek. This made me tense up then blush again.

"Our dads will be home tommorow ! "I smirked .

"Finally! Oh no, they will be sad too. Well, maybe not as much as Amy and Sophia," He stood up and helped me up. "We should get back in case they need help," I explained and we walked back to camp . "What do you need us to do?" Carl asked . "Summer, can you please help the women and then see if Jaqui needs any help? And Carl, we need your help on watch" Shane said from on top of the RV. We both nodded. " See you later" He mumbled and kissed my forehead . I waved then dragged my axe down to the water. "Need any help?" I asked. "Ummm, let me see. Yea. Can you wash your dad clothes please? Thats the only thing left to wash. We are going to go help Jaqui." Lori handed me a pile of clothes and patted me. "I know you are tough , being a Dixon and all. But don't be afraid to ask for help if you get attacked by walkers ," She smiled at me and they walked away. Sophia stayed with me though. "Can we talk?" She asked as I started washing.

"Yea. What about ?"

"Well, I wanted to know if you could teach me some things about weapons and how to use then and stuff. I wanna to survive and be strong. I want to live," She asked.

"Yes. But I will have to ask Rick first. He's the leader ."

"Ok. Thank you Summer"

"Anytime Soph."

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